Monday, April 29, 2024

Sarawak to be second highest GDP contributor by next state polls, says Abang Jo


 Abang Johari Openg
Sarawak premier Abang Johari Openg and his government want to make the state the nation’s second-largest contributor to the GDP by the next state polls.

PETALING JAYA: Sarawak has set its sights on becoming the nation’s second highest contributor to the gross domestic product (GDP) before the next state polls, says its premier Abang Johari Openg.

Citing a report from the Sarawak public communication unit, Abang Johari said Sarawak is currently the third largest GDP contributor, having overtaken Johor, the Borneo Post reported.

He said the report also stated that Kuala Lumpur holds the top spot, followed by Selangor in second place.

“We have to be confident and organise our strategy so that our GDP is high, and I am confident that we will be able to overtake Selangor,” he was quoted as saying.

“Whether we can achieve it or not, it is up to us to organise our economic strategy and this is what we are aiming for before the next state election.”

Abang Johari added that the government’s economic strategies are aimed at demonstrating to Sarawakians that the Gabungan Parti Sarawak government is steering the state’s development in the right direction.

Sarawak’s state election will be held no later than April 15, 2027.

According to the state’s post-Covid-19 development strategy, Sarawak aims to reach a gross GDP of RM282 billion by 2030.

It achieved a record-setting RM13.1 billion in revenue in 2023, beating its record of RM11.9 billion the year before. - FMT

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