Friday, May 31, 2024

3-year action plan to boost women decision-makers


Selangor menteri besar Amirudin Shari (centre) with executive councillor Anfaal Saari (seated, second from right) at the launch of the action plan in Shah Alam today. (Bernama pic)

SHAH ALAM: The Selangor government has launched a three-year women’s policy and action plan in hopes of increasing women’s capabilities and their contribution to the state.

Menteri besar Amirudin Shari said the action plan, with seven main objectives, was drafted to empower women as decision-makers, while focussing on their well-being.

“We want to see the roles and functions of more skilled women and their involvement in society,” he said at the launch of the 2024-2026 action plan here today.

Among the objectives are to promote a gender-sensitive framework; improve the socio-economic status of marginalised women; accelerate their participation, representation and decision-making in public and political spheres; and foster creative talent, culture, digitalisation and innovation. - FMT

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