Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Ask why Hadi sends his grandchild to SJKC, Harapan Youth tells Fadhli


The Pakatan Harapan Youth wing has slammed PAS information chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari for politicising the vernacular education background of the government candidate for the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election, Pang Sock Tao.

Its information chief Ammar Atan said Fadhli should instead question why PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang sends his grandchild to a Chinese vernacular school.

"Fadhli (above) is proof that PAS is a racist, hypocritical party. His attempt to belittle Pang by playing up the vernacular education issue, just because she is of Chinese descent, is regrettable.

"The fact is that Pang is fluent in Bahasa Melayu, and she has also proven excellent achievements in her SPM, including an A in the national language. One wonders whether Fadhli scored any As in his SPM," Ammar said in a statement today.

Following Fadhli's challenge for Pang to reveal her school background, the latter responded by sharing her straight-A SPM and UPSR results.

Pakatan Harapan Youth information chief Ammar Atan

‘Judge for yourselves’

Ammar then asked Fadhli to check with Hadi on why the latter's grandchild receiving education at a vernacular school.

"Former PAS Non-Muslim Supporters Wing secretary confirmed this matter previously. Besides, PAS’ Temerloh MP Salamiah Mohd Nor also sends her child to a Chinese vernacular school.

"Does this mean that Hadi and Salamiah have lost confidence in national schools? Or by studying at a Chinese school, have Hadi and Salamiah's grandchildren lost their patriotism towards the country?" Ammar asked.

He then urged Kuala Kubu Baharu voters to judge for themselves whether they want to vote for a coalition that has "a leader like Fadhli".

"It is not our culture to cultivate hatred towards the other races.

"To Fadhli, I say, 'Put aside your racism and hypocrisy'." - Mkini

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