Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Bad idea for enforcement officers to go undercover


From YS Chan

The purpose of issuing uniforms to enforcement officers for agencies, such as the road transport department (JPJ), is for easy identification and when discharging their duties, the public will heed their orders.

Otherwise, there will be many civilians in plain clothes impersonating enforcement officers in an attempt to collect bribes from targeted victims, seize their possessions, or issue demands.

On April 16, three JPJ officers stopped an express bus on the North-South Expressway heading towards Nilai. The altercation between one of the officers and the driver was recorded and the video went viral.

The driver was adamant that he was stopped without reason and the officers were not in uniform or wearing JPJ vests, resulting in both parties lodging a police report. The driver said he feared the plainclothes enforcement officers could be robbers.

Later, JPJ confirmed the three officers who stopped the express bus were undercover enforcement officers and added that they were allowed to do so but must present their enforcement card under Section 123 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 (Act 333).

But how would members of the public be able to verify the authenticity of an authority card they have never seen before and could easily be forged?

Enforcement agencies must realise that their officers are often seen in a bad light by the public, made worse by those trying to stamp their authority when acting like a bully or simply being overzealous in carrying out their actions.

For many years, undercover JPJ officers have often masqueraded as passengers in express buses, especially during festive seasons. to nab drivers committing driving offences. I find such actions deplorable and done in bad faith.

JPJ must make better use of technology instead of using enforcement officers to monitor one express bus at a time. That is utterly inefficient. - FMT

YS Chan is an FMT reader.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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