Sunday, May 26, 2024

Bersih will remain apolitical but assertive in pushing reforms - chair

Bersih will remain a social movement and an apolitical pressure group as of now, said its chairperson Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz.

Speaking to the press today, Faisal asserted that the electoral watchdog’s ultimate aim is for the reform agenda to be materialised.

“It was debated before among NGOs and CSOs, I can say (there was) a push from the general public for Bersih to be a political party. We have no interest in being a political party whatsoever.

“We will go both ways. We will go to the streets, table banging and be more confrontational. But at the same time, we open our doors to engage with government MPs, opposition MPs and independent MPs.

“We try to play our roles both ways,” he said after the conclusion of the Bersih Congress held at the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) today.

Bersih Congress held at KLSCAH today

He said this in response to calls from a member of the audience for Bersih to register as a political outfit.

However, should Putrajaya fail to implement reforms as promised, Faisal reiterated that Bersih will “be as ready as it can be” to mobilise people to keep the momentum and pressure the government by organising a rally.

In relevant developments, Faisal said 19 out of 20 motions tabled during the congress were passed for Bersih to keep advocating for change.

“The motion that was rejected was for PTPTN to be merged with the Central Database Hub (Padu).

“It is a good motion, but it doesn’t have much to do with our reform agenda. It can be debated among varsity students. - Mkini

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