Monday, May 27, 2024

Govt must go beyond lip service in tackling Muslim women issues - SIS


Putrajaya has been urged to do more than pay lip service when it comes to addressing pressing issues affecting Muslim women.

Sisters in Islam (SIS) executive director Rozana Isa stressed that such issues must remain at the forefront.

Rozana, in a statement today, emphasised the dire need for comprehensive data collection by the government and robust legal procedures to secure women’s financial rights and child maintenance in syariah courts.

She then called for immediate and tangible actions to protect women’s rights and end discrimination.

“The obstacles Muslim women face are immense but not insurmountable. With unwavering political will and structural reforms, change is possible,” she said.

“Among key reforms include raising the legal age for child marriage, eradicating female genital mutilation and raising awareness of its devastating effects and establishing clear guidelines to safeguard women’s autonomy and ensure fair decision-making in family matters.”

Other reforms include standardising syariah law nationwide, equitable law enforcement in syariah courts, regulating polygamy, preventing gender-based injustices and streamlining divorce processes to alleviate the burden on women seeking separation.

Current system deters women

Elaborating on the lengthy divorce process if it’s initiated by Muslim women, SIS said these women continue to endure a long and arduous process for approval in syariah courts.

“Muslim women initiating fasakh divorce, despite being entitled to file for ancillary matters, often do not pursue these rights due to the exhaustive demands of the divorce process.

“The existing syariah legal system does not facilitate women in claiming their rights but instead forces them to forgo these rights.

“Women from lower-income families may view these efforts as futile while those from middle and upper-income families face similar pressures, especially when they receive less than 30 percent of joint matrimonial property.

“The inconsistency in the division of matrimonial assets further deters divorced women from pursuing their rightful claims,” Rozana said.

Therefore, SIS said Malaysia’s commitment to addressing these challenges will define its path towards true gender equality.

“The government must act with resolve, ensuring that the principles of equality and justice for all women are not just ideals but lived realities.

“The journey to equality demands unwavering dedication to fair laws that uphold the principles enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

“Muslim women, united in their faith, transcend national, racial, and creedal boundaries. It is crucial to confront the disparities in legal treatment they face across various states.” - Mkini

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