Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hadi accuses media of hyping 'handful' of immoral cases in religious schools


The media is being used to smear Islam’s image by hyping up weaknesses of those of the faith when they are accused of a crime or immoral act, said PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

“If there are stories about things happening in religious and tahfiz schools involving an ustaz, imam or any religious figures, it gets hyped.

“It’s like just because one buffalo is covered in mud, the entire herd gets the blame.

“But when those irreligious and lack religious understanding commit evil, it gets covered up and even defended. They serve the devil’s army,” he said on Facebook.

Hadi claimed that the immoral acts committed by a handful are often hyped to ensure people would despise Islam and its teachings.

This includes, he alleged, Muslim women who dress modestly - so much as those wearing a veil are considered extremists.

“However, the liberals who act worse than animals, mostly from the West, are not reprimanded until their culture is even having an influence on Islamic nations.

“Anything that is in support of Islam will be criticised and mocked using writings, speeches, films and caricatures,” the Marang MP added.

‘Uneven playing field’

On the 15th general election, Hadi claimed that certain quarters had attempted to undermine his party despite winning the most number of seats in Parliament and several state assemblies.

“They used the ‘Green Wave’ analogy to instil fear among the public.

“Still, the party chose the path of peace premised on democracy although we don’t have a level playing which handicaps the Islamic system,” he claimed.

It is to note that in November 2022, soon after the general election, the previous Yang di-Pertuan Agong invited Perikatan Nasional, in which PAS is a component party, to join hands with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to form a coalition government.

While Anwar was open to the idea, PN chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin rejected the offer.

“From the beginning, we already discussed that we will not cooperate with (Pakatan) Harapan.

“No matter the purpose, we will not agree to it. So when I was asked to sign the offer letter, I signed ‘disagreed’,” Muhyiddin was reported as saying to the press while flanked by Hadi, PN information chief Azmin Ali and Bersatu Youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal.

- Mkini

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