Wednesday, May 1, 2024


  • People have told me that I have reduced the volume of writing in my blog.
  • This is correct to an extent. 
  • Others have said that 'you are not so critical anymore'. 
  • Which is also true. 
  • There are reasons for this. 
  • I have been saying less since the new gang took over the 'hood.

Well here is a list of people who have gotten into trouble recently just for "SAYING THINGS". 

  1. 45-year-old farmer charged under Sedition Act for comments in WhatsApp group
  2. Chegubard charged for criminal defamation and sedition
  3. D---nic D--ian reported on X (Twitter) his home was raided
  4. fellow fined (or 3 months jail) for comment about copter crash
  5. police reports (arrest warrants?) against Prof Murray Hunter who is outside the country for his writings

This is the situation in the country.  People who write, talk or make comments can get charged for criminal offences. 

Congrats to all you m--keys who voted for these d--keys. They are not fully in control. If they had menang sikit lagi, only the devil knows what else they would do.

A fellow who stole billions can be pardoned, have his jail time reduced, now they are talking about house arrest. Another fellow who was called to defend himself over tens of millions corruption had the charges against him dropped. Both the fellows get to keep most of the money they stole.

But people who merely said things are getting charged for criminal offences. They did not steal anything. They did not rob a bank.

The people are getting fed up with this type of behaviour. 
This is also why the BN lost the elections in 2018.  
They used to do similar things.
This is why there was a hung Parliament in 2022.  
In 2022 they all LOST. No one  WON. People were fed up.
Keep it up. This is how you lose elections.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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