Friday, May 31, 2024

Ibrahim Ali volunteers to help govt haul back Dr M's 'billions'

Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (Putra) president Ibrahim Ali has offered to help the government “haul” back billions of ringgit allegedly owned by Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The sarcastic statement came after Mahathir – also sarcastically – asked Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for help in locating the billions of ringgit he was accused of stealing yesterday.

“I am willing to voluntarily help haul the billions of ringgit belonging to Mahathir, as claimed by Anwar.

“Mahathir is nearly 99 years old, and Anwar, who is not that strong, needs help to bring back the billions,” he said in a statement today.

Yesterday, Mahathir mocked Anwar by saying he was ready to donate the billions of ringgit he was said to have stolen during his time as prime minister.

The former chairperson of Bersatu and Pejuang also asked the Tambun MP to explain the whereabouts of the alleged stolen money, as he had never seen the money.

‘Donate to the poor’

Mahathir said he was willing to bring back all the money – if any – to donate it all to the poor.

“But Anwar must tell me where the money is,” Mahathir said in a social media post yesterday.

Last April, MACC chief commissioner Azam Baki revealed that Mahathir was being investigated while his sons, Mukhriz and Mirzan, were given notices to declare their assets for several decades.

According to Ibrahim, he also suggested that there should be an escort for the money, but it should be selected through open tender to ensure good governance, not by direct appointment.

Continuing his sarcasm, Ibrahim even volunteered his services to distribute the money, claiming he was the most suitable person for the job due to his clean record and consistent advocacy for Malay issues in the past.

“I will enter the open tender because I am confident of being selected based on my (clean) record.

“At least I can monitor and control so that the money does not disappear. Enforcement agencies cannot be trusted,” he said in a mocking tone.

However, Ibrahim said the sarcasm was not intended to be malicious but only to reminisce with the two leaders.

He also claimed to be very close to Mahathir and Anwar when they were together in Umno in the past.

“I was a strong supporter of Tun (Mahathir) and a close friend of Anwar before. One father, one brother,” he said. - Mkini

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