Wednesday, May 22, 2024



First of all, we don’t relax because its fun. Our physical body and mental health is connected to our relaxation procedure.

Neither our bodies or our minds are built to be working all the time. No primitive cultures or other primates for that matter spend as much time engaged in activity as much modern humans in the developed world. This is compounded by the fact that our built environment has manifold complexity compared to the natural environment in which our brains and bodies evolved for ~99.9% of our evolutionary history.

Why don’t we relax? Perhaps it’s due to creating a capital-driven system which is predicated on the falsehood of infinite growth in a finite world, or some twisted Protestant work-ethic that “toil is good for you”.

Why relaxation -

  1. Improves your efficiency to concentrate of work and life.
  2. Improves your physical and mental health.
  3. Improves your calculative, creative and verbal memory.
  4. Improves recollection memory.
  5. Improves your mood.
  6. Improves will power to fight against illness.
  7. And many more …

We need relaxation because it allows us to recharge mentally and physically, be more creative, promotes our relational bonds, and makes us happier and healthier. Interestingly the one thing a reasonable amount of relaxation in your life isn’t good for is making money for someone else. That is of course unless they are selling you relaxation.

SO STAY FOCUSED AND RELAX AS YOU GET TIME. AT-LEAST ONCE IN A WHILE. You will observe that you will be smiling more often and will live a enjoyable, heathier and stress-free happy life.

As usual, we remind you to take your Memo Plus Gold daily. It will help to keep you alert and mentally sharp. For more information or to order for Memo Plus Gold, please visit :

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