Friday, May 24, 2024


 Well it has been five days (Sunday 19th May, 2024) since Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi died in the helicopter crash. Also killed alongside him was the Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian who was also an influential and powerful figure in Iran. Abdullahian was closely linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps or IRGC and was the 'man-in-charge' of Hezbollah in Lebanon.  

It is still unclear to Iranians themselves how or why the helicopter crashed. The weather was fine and two other choppers flying in formation landed safely. 

It is interesting to see who makes statements, who says what and who does not say anything. Commenting on the chopper crash former Iranian foreign minister Mohamed Javad Zarif blamed the US for not supplying spare parts for the 50 year old American chopper. He was actually pointing fingers at whoever in Iran for putting Raisi on board a 50 year old helicopter  which could not get spare parts.   

And on Wednesday 22 May '24 Raisi's Chief of Staff Gholamhossein Esmaili  made the announcement that the THREE helicopters had taken off in fine weather.  

So the Iranians are still trying to sort out what exactly happened. More will become known.

The world media is asking the same questions. Here are two short videos with some analyses.




If there are truths to the allegations, especially about an internal power struggle inside Iran which killed Raisi, this incident may lead to accusations, infighting, civil war and bring down the ayatollahs. 

Indeed the ayatollahs are in a very 'vulnerable' situation now. Lets see how long it takes for the first street protests to begin.

What is at stake? MONEY. Huge amounts of money.

There is no real free market in Iran - other than the shopkeepers in the bazaars. The ayatollahs control all the money flow in Iran which includes a super huge GLC system (government linked companies) which are into big business, weapons manufacturing, government contractring and monopoly licenses over key sectors like exports of agricultural products, Iranian caviar and transportation. 

Does this sound familiar? So big money is involved. 

Always remember : NO MONEY NO RELIGION.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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