Thursday, May 30, 2024

SPM-leavers shying away from medical field, rues doctors' group


Hartal Doktor Kontrak (HDK) has expressed concern that last year’s SPM school-leavers will shy away from pursuing studies in the medical field due to the various issues plaguing the public health sector.

According to Utusan Online, the annual intake of medical students in public universities has averaged between 3,000 and 4,000 in the last few years - which falls short of the 4,820 admissions allowed by the Health Ministry.

HDK spokesperson Dr Muhammad Yassin said the declining numbers of future doctors could affect the quality of medical services provided to the rakyat.

“Generally, more (youth) prefer dabbling in computer studies, photography, or business.

“Aside from that, a lot of youths are also falling for propaganda spread on social media that they do not need education to get rich.

“In addition, issues plaguing the public health sector, including contract placement, overwork, and bullying (of junior doctors) also contribute to youngsters shying away from the sector,” Muhammad was quoted telling the daily.

In July 2021, government contract doctors carried out mass walkouts in a nationwide strike to demand job security and better career opportunities.

Contract doctors taking part in a silent protest outside Sungai Buloh Hospital on July 26, 2021

The protest, led by HDK, was joined by hundreds of healthcare workers from around 15 to 20 hospitals in the country.

A recent ad hoc poll by the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) revealed that almost all public healthcare facilities in the country are running with inadequate manpower - causing overwork for existing staff and longer waiting times for patients.

‘Pursue for passion, not compulsion’

Elaborating, Muhammad urged SPM-leavers to only pursue medical studies if they have an interest or passion in the field rather than doing it for the sake of their parents’ advice.

“Parents should not force their children to take up medical studies just because they scored good marks in SPM.

“This would eventually lead to them (students who become doctors) being burdened by work pressure and provide sub-par work quality,” he said.

Meanwhile, Utusan quoted MMA president Dr Azizan Abdul Aziz urging students and parents to “get to know” the medical field before deciding to pursue an education in it.

According to her, although a career in the sector can be fulfilling, it is “not for all”.

“Medical studies is also one of the most costly, and takes the longest time to complete. The study cost can range between RM250,000 and RM650,000, depending on the university, and can take up to five years to finish.

“After completing their education, medical graduates will be required to undergo their clinical training in the public health sector. During this stage, even the ‘brightest’ medical student can be left out due to the demanding nature of the job,” she was quoted saying in a statement.

Therefore, she said medical students who want a career in the field should be wary of the contract employment system and be ready to be posted at any medical facility in the country as part of their training. - Mkini

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