Friday, May 24, 2024

Varsity accused of not making safe space for students


The Universiti Malaya Feminism Club (UMFC) has accused the university of not making enough effort to create a safe space for students.

This after the group’s request to establish an Anti-Sexual Misconduct Committee under the students’ union and amend the code of conduct was rejected during a meeting with university representatives.

UMFC president Chin Jes Weng said that a survey done among 200 of the varsity's students in January revealed that one out of five (about 40) have experienced sexual harassment, but only less than five of them have acted against them.

These include confiding in a friend or lodging an official complaint against the harassment.

Chin told Malaysiakini that despite the small comparative numbers, the varsity representatives suggested that the “high percentage” of harassment cases cited in the survey is due to the students misunderstanding what constitutes sexual harassment.

“They (the representatives) also said the data is high because the students made up (the cases), and that they are ‘too sensitive’,” said Chin.

The survey also revealed that half of the respondents had heard about sexual harassment cases happening to others, with 13 percent of them knowing of more than five cases.

Additionally, 160 respondents did not know how to handle harassment, and about 83 percent were unaware of the anti-sexual harassment code.

Chin said the representatives allegedly noted that students did not know what sexual harassment is, citing an example of a person who reported a sexual harassment case after overhearing an inappropriate joke between two people in a group discussion.

“They kept saying students are ignorant and don’t know what sexual harassment really is,” she claimed.

Education campaign

During the meeting, Chin said the university acknowledged that promoting gender awareness requires more than putting up posters, and promised to conduct education and awareness sessions during orientation week.

According to Chin, the code was previously known as the Code of Practice on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment Cases, before being amended to the Zero Tolerance Code for Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment in 2021.

In a memorandum feedback document sighted by Malaysiakini, UMFC proposed amendments to several sections, including procedures for receiving and investigating cases of exploitation, abuse, and harassment.

They suggested involving Gender Studies lecturers or professional bodies specialising in sexual harassment issues according to current needs and suitability.

The university stated that when the current code was drafted, it incorporated input from all relevant stakeholders and experts on sexual harassment.

This included feedback from internal general studies experts and external experts such as the Sexual Crime, Women, and Children Investigation Division (D11) from Bukit Aman.

Following the “disappointing” meeting, Chin said the group is discussing their next move.

“Perhaps if the university doesn’t change its attitude, we will advocate to change the mindset towards sexual harassment first. At the same time, we are considering using the Anti-Sexual Harassment Tribunal,” she added.

Malaysiakini has contacted UM and is awaiting a response.

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