Thursday, June 27, 2024


Did Dr Mahathir ever forgive UMNO (and the Malays) for kicking him out of the party in 1970? He was in the wilderness for a few years. And they called him a k@ling as well. They kept calling him a k@ling until the 2020s. But no one doubts Dr Mahathir's unconditional commitment to progressing the country and his "people" - the Malays - some of whom still call him k@ling until today. 

Neither can anyone deny that the seeds of UMNO's destruction were sowed during Dr Mahathir's 22 years as party president. Too many wrong things were done by Dr Mahathir. He kept postponing party elections. So democracy died in the party. He knew there were extremely corrupt leaders in the party but he never threw them out or had them investigated and jailed when he had absolute power to do so as party president. But until today he keeps mentioning some of their names and keeps calling them corrupt. You failed sir. You failed miserably. Or did you allow the lapse on purpose? The final cut the doctor inflicted on Umno in the death by a thousand cuts? 

Then there is the other fellow. An amoral scum. To be immoral you must know morality and yet you choose to breach the morality. To be amoral you do not  know the meaning of the word morality. Shaped by the devil himself who also spread out before him multitudes of the immorals and other amorals who would hoist him on their shoulders. Thus making it easy for him to piss into their mouths which they kept wide open to sing his praises. Perhaps they have had enough. He too was kicked out and then thrown into jail. The question that you need to ask is 'has he got over that hurt and insult and the huge dent in his ego'? In other words will he extract his pound of flesh?

Abu Dhabi has been the base of many conspiracies which have ruined this country. I am referring to the 1MDB scandal. A significant part of the 1MDB scandal was hatched in Abu Dhabi.  Eventually (after everything was exposed) Abu Dhabi jailed at least two individuals for their involvement through IPIC, an Abu Dhabi investment company. It has become clear that this character called Jo Lo was able to pull many strings all the way up to Abu Dhabi.

In the Malay psyche they seem to have an extremely high regard for Arabs. Something which more Arabs have begun to realise and they take advantage of. Of course local crooks also know this. It is not difficult for clever crooks from Malaysia to set up proxy companies in the Arabian desert,  "hire" Arabs as frontmen and put them on the next flight back to Kuala Lumpur as "Arab investors".  That is what Jo Lo did. Over here the unsuspecting Malays would just open all doors.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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