Thursday, June 20, 2024

Lokman urges Umno to shorten Tajuddin's suspension


Umno is open to accepting members or leaders who have remained loyal to the party despite being suspended, said supreme council member Lokman Noor Adam.

He urged the party to consider appeals from “loyal leaders” like former supreme council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman.

“We are always open to considering appeals from any individual who wants to remain loyal to Umno,” Lokman (above) told Malaysiakini.

Umno, however, would not accept former leaders who continue to “curse” the party after leaving it, he added without mentioning names.

Tajuddin was suspended from Umno for six years from October 2022 - just months after he was booted out of the supreme council for criticising party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi as a “liability” to the party.

He has appealed to rejoin Umno four times since then but to no avail.

The former Pasir Salak MP has even reportedly apologised to Zahid over the criticism.

Supreme council to meet

Earlier this month, the Umno Veterans’ Club expressed unwavering support for Tajuddin and asked the party to consider shortening his suspension.

Tajuddin previously said he had accepted his fate of no longer “being liked” by Umno.

Former Umno supreme council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman

Umno is expected to hold its supreme council meeting in Kuala Lumpur tonight, but it is not known if Tajuddin’s suspension will be brought up for discussion.

Lokman said it is crucial for Umno to consider such appeals.

“Don’t shoot it down as an unimportant matter. It is important, especially for someone like Tajuddin, who previously said that he would ‘die’ with Umno.”

Aside from Tajuddin, other suspended Umno leaders include Sembrong MP Hishammuddin Hussein and former information chief Shahril Sufian Hamdan. - Mkini

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