Thursday, June 20, 2024

Malaysian worker killed while cleaning ship in Singapore

A 22-year-old Malaysian died while performing hull cleaning works for a ship at the Eastern Anchorage, along Marina South Pier, on Tuesday.

A spokesperson from Singapore’s Manpower Ministry said that in the 2.10pm incident, the victim got entangled with one of the propellers of the supporting dive boat.

“The victim was sent to Singapore General Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries,” the spokesperson said in a statement on Wednesday.

The ministry is investigating the incident and has instructed the employer, Dive-Marine Services, to stop all diving activities.

“As a general safety measure, established commercial diving procedures using Surface-Supplied Diving Equipment (SSDE) or Commercial Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (CScuba) must be adhered to,” the spokesperson added.


The ministry said such equipment helps with communication between divers and supervisors during operations.

Recreational scuba must not be used for commercial diving operations.

CNA reported the police as saying that, based on preliminary investigations, no foul play was suspected and investigations are ongoing.


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