Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Malaysia’s roti canai named second in the list of world’s best 100 dishes


IT has once again been an honour for all Malaysians to see Roti Canai placed second in the ‘Top 100 Best Dishes in the World’ list.

TasteAtlas, a worldwide food and lifestyle website, announced its recommendations for the ‘Top Best 100 Dishes in the World’ for 2023/2024 on Monday (Dec 18).

According to the list, roti canai was ranked second, with picanha from Brazil obtaining first position.

It also named the three-top roti canai restaurants in Malaysia, namely Nasi Kandar Pelita, Tg’s Nasi Kandar, and Sri Nirwana Maju.

Additionally, the roots of roti canai were characterised by TasteAtlas as “a traditional pan-fried flatbread made with flour, water, eggs, and fat of Indian origin, nevertheless primarily associated with Malaysia and surrounding countries such as Indonesia, Brunei, and Thailand.”

The meal is also frequently served with ghee, and its origins may be traced back to “Indian labourers who migrated to Malaysia and brought the recipe and tradition of preparing this crispy pastry to the foreign country.” - theSun.

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