Thursday, June 20, 2024

Playing down terror attacks does no one any favours

Five relatives of the deceased terrorist involved in the deadly assault on the Ulu Tiram police station were brought before the Sessions Court yesterday on charges of collaborating to promote terrorist activities.

They are facing a total of nine charges related to the dissemination and promotion of extremist ideologies associated with the Islamic State (IS).

Radin Imran Radin Mohd Yassin, the father of the Ulu Tiram terrorist, is accused of four offences under Section 130G (a) of the Penal Code for inciting terrorism by spreading the violent ideologies of IS.

It is worth noting that our prime minister and home minister have not classified the Ulu Tiram incident as a terrorist attack, which raises questions as to why the top leadership of our country has failed to recognise the incident as such, especially when the Royal Malaysia Police has indirectly categorised it as a terrorist attack.

When politicians wish to comment or make public statements on such attacks, they should consult with professionals like the police first. Regardless of any political motives or gains, they should refrain from interfering with the work of the police and allow them to carry out their duties without undue pressure from politicians.

Some may perceive this firm stance as overly stringent, yet fail to acknowledge the gravity of the national security threat we are confronted with.

Terrorism and terrorists have no place in our society or nation.

National security

Historically, the police have diligently worked to prevent large-scale terrorist attacks in Malaysia through proactive and preventative measures.

Therefore, politicians must comprehend the gravity of this issue and refrain from obstructing the police’s efforts to address the significant challenges posed by terrorism.

In addition to the ongoing terrorist threat, the purported infiltration of foreign intelligence agencies such as Israel intelligence agency Mossad into our territory is a matter of great concern.

An Israeli individual was apprehended in Malaysia on March 27 and found to be in possession of six firearms and 200 rounds of ammunition.

Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain stated that investigations are underway to determine the true intentions of this individual in relation to the firearms.

The Israeli man being brought to court in April

It is noteworthy that the individual entered Malaysia using a French passport, which has raised apprehensions regarding national security.

The arrest has attracted significant attention due to the nature of the weapons seized and the potential implications for our country's security and safety.

In 2018, Fadi Mohammed al-Batsh, an electrical engineer born in Gaza and affiliated with Hamas, was fatally shot by two motorcyclists while on his way to morning prayers in Kuala Lumpur.

In 2022, 11 Malaysians, including a woman, were charged in the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate's Court for kidnapping a Palestinian man to obtain information on software for hacking mobile phones.

It is believed that Mossad was responsible for the abduction. The Palestinian man was taken from a street in Kuala Lumpur and subjected to interrogation before being released by the police.

Additionally, it was disclosed that Mossad had recruited and trained Malaysian operatives in Europe to carry out these operations.

According to a report by Al Jazeera in October 2022, an investigation revealed the existence of a Mossad cell in the country, involved in espionage activities targeting important locations, including airports, and attempting to infiltrate government electronic companies.

Foreign involvements

The utilisation of locals by foreign intelligence agencies to carry out their operations poses a significant national security threat. With the advancements in technology and tactics, these agencies can easily leverage local assets to achieve their objectives.

The historical examples of intelligence agencies manipulating terrorist groups in conflicts such as the first Afghanistan war and the Iraq war serve as a stark reminder of the potential consequences.

The continued presence of foreign intelligence operatives in our country should be a cause for concern among our political leaders.

The sudden emergence of a terrorist cell in Ulu Tiram raises suspicions and prompts questions about potential foreign involvement.

It is not beyond the realm of possibility that this cell has been activated by handlers from a foreign intelligence agency to send a warning message to our leaders.

While this may seem like a remote possibility, we cannot dismiss it entirely, considering similar tactics have been employed in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

To summarise, it is imperious for our politicians to exhibit courage in labelling a terrorist attack for what it truly is, rather than using euphemistic terms.

Additionally, they should refrain from excessive interference in police operations, the agency entrusted with safeguarding our national security.

Furthermore, they bear the responsibility of transparently informing the public about matters concerning national security, without any bias or apprehension.

Lastly, politicians from all factions must unite in unequivocally condemning terrorist attacks, thereby demonstrating their solidarity on this critical issue of national security. - Mkini

R PANEIR SELVAM is the principal consultant of Arunachala Research & Consultancy Sdn Bhd, a think tank specialising in strategic national and geo-political matters.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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