Thursday, June 20, 2024

School admin assistant denies bribery charges


Hasniah AM Nawir was granted bail of RM15,000 after pleading not guilty to two counts of using her office to obtain gratification. (File pic)

TAWAU: A secondary school administrative assistant pleaded not guilty in the sessions court here today to two charges of abusing her position to obtain bribes for work on the school worth RM39,900 four years ago.

Hasniah AM Nawir, 50, denied the charges after they were read to her before judge Jason Juga.

Hasniah is accused of using her position to obtain a bribe for her husband, Saharuddin Kasim, for the installation of sinks, plumbing and other work at the school worth RM19,980 by selecting MRD Enterprise to carry out the work.

She is also accused of using her position to obtain a bribe for herself by inviting Mega Corporation to provide photocopier and copy printer rental services for the same school through the ePerolehan system worth RM19,920, although she did the work herself.

She is charged with committing both offences at SMK Abaka here in August and September 2020, respectively.

Both charges were filed under Section 23(1) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009, punishable under Section 24(1) of the same Act, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment and a fine of five times the bribe amount or RM10,000, whichever is higher, upon conviction.

The judge set bail at RM15,000 in one surety and ordered Hasniah to surrender her passport to the court.

Hasniah was also ordered to report to the nearest MACC office every two months until the disposal of the case.

The next mention has been fixed for Aug 20.

Deputy public prosecutor Nurul Izzati Sapifee appeared for the prosecution, while Hasniah was not represented. - FMT

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