Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Here is some very rare footage.  The first video here shows an American SR71 Blackbird spyplane (that long thin flying pencil)  being 'escorted' by four Russian SU27 fighter jets. This video is about a year old (since it got uploaded).  The Lockheed SR71 is an unarmed spyplane. It flies at Mach 3.4 and has a flight ceiling of about 85,000 feet. This plane is 60 years old.

The Blackbird is likely close to Russian controlled airspace and the Russian SU27s are flying alongside to make sure the Blackbird stays on the right course. The SU27s are armed and they can hit a top speed of about Mach 2.35. You can see in the video the Blackbird suddenly switches on its after burners and just zooms away from the SU27s. The four SU27s immediately break off  and go on their way.


In the next video below here two Russian SU57 "Felon" fighter jets are being trailed by two American F22 Raptors and one F15C.  This 'interception" took place over Syrian airspace. The SU57 Felonss are jet-black in colour and they have white nose cones.  The Felon is a huge fighter jet with a length of almost 66 feet. 

The SU57 Felon is semi-stealthy and is highly manouverable with a top speed of over Mach 2.0. It was introduced into the Russian airforce in 2019.   The American F22 is no more in production.

Another unique feature of the SU57 is that the plane makes a very loud and screaming sound as it flies. You can hear it in the video. They say this screaming was a by product of the design of the planes engine covering (cowlings) to help reduce its radar signature. It started screaming instead.


The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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