Monday, July 29, 2024

Find creative ways to hold social media operators accountable, say NGOs

Article 19 and the Centre for Independent Journalism want a multi-stakeholder social media council to be established to review the root causes of online abuse and promote digital literacy.


Find creative ways to hold social media operators accountable, said two civil rights groups today in response to the government’s announcement of its social media licensing regime set to take effect from next year.

Article 19 and the Centre for Independent Journalism said trying to fit social media outlets in 

traditional regulatory regimes

 might not be effective and may have unforeseen implications, given the rapidly growing nature of technology and the global reach of these platforms.

Any attempts to hold the (social media) platforms accountable must ensure there is meaningful protection of the rights of the public, including in not infringing on users’ freedom of expression,

 they said in a joint statement.

The new regulatory framework to be introduced next month and enforced from Jan 1, 2025, will require social media companies to obtain licences under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA).

Saying the move poses a threat to democratic values and goes against the principle of non-censorship, Article 19 and CIJ called for more inclusivity and transparency in policymaking processes before the laws are made so that they do not infringe on public freedom.

They urged the government to establish a multi-stakeholder social media council to review the root causes of online abuse and promote digital literacy.

They also said the CMA needs to be refreshed as the law is not in line with international human rights standards.

“With newer laws, the more power the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission has to regulate content and social media companies.

“Effectively addressing harmful content goes beyond just content moderation.

It also entails addressing the root causes of issues such as hate speech, cyberbullying and gender-based violence. - FMT

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