Wednesday, July 17, 2024


The globalists (like the WEF), the British and neo-con Europe are absolutely panicking at Donald Trump winning the US presidential elections in November 2024. Which he most certainly will.

But since yesterday 16th July 2024, a new 'panic button' has come into play. His name is James David Vance (JD Vance), a 39 year old Republican Senator from Ohio who has been picked as Donald Trump's vice-presidential running mate. 

This will be the next Vice President of the United States. And Vance will most likely become the president of the USA for eight years after that. (Trump can only serve four more years - the Americans strictly restrict their presidents to two terms, maximum).

So the United States of America is looking at TWELVE YEARS of Trumpian 'no more endless wars, what global warming, there are only two genders, lets make America great again" and possibly 'no more NATO'.

First here is JD Vance's picture:

JD Vance is married to Usha Chilukuri, a graduate of Yale Law School and Cambridge University, a Hindu and daughter of academics Krish and Lakshmi Chilukuri. Her parents were born in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh and immigrated to the United States. Here is another picture of the Vances :

Last week (11th July 2024) NATO concluded a THREE DAY summit in Washington DC. Among the attendees was Europe's 'public enemy No. 1' the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Orban is presently the 'rotating'-president of the European Union. 

Orban has really irritated the European Union. Prior to the NATO meeting in Washington, In quick succession he visited Moscow and met Putin, then he visited Beijing and met with President Xi Jinping. Almost as if he was consulting them before going to Washington.

Then in Washington, Orban met Joe Biden only at the NATO summit. He did not pay Joe Biden any courtesy visit - especially as rotating president of the EU. Instead on 12th July, 2024 Viktor Orban boarded his plane and flew all the way to Mar-a-Lago in Florida to meet privately with Donald Trump. The next day 13th July, Trump was shot in the ear.

But back to JD Vance, Donald Trump's pick for vice-presidential running mate. JD Vance is actually more Trumpian than Donald Trump. This  really worries the British  and some European leaders (with the exception of Marine Le Pen, Gorgiosa Meloni, Viktor Orban and some others)

JD Vance has written detailed articles about his policy positions, which have been published in western MSM and social media, especially in the United Kingdom where the 'Eastablishment' does not like him already. More on this below.

Here are some of JD Vance's published thoughts:

  1. staunch critic of aid to Ukraine
  2. our generosity in Ukraine is coming to an end. 
  3.  no good reason aid from the U.S. should be needed for Ukraine
  4. “The idea that [Putin] can march to Poland or Berlin is preposterous” he said.
  5. Europeans should regard conclusion of the Ukraine war as an imperative.
  6. Europe should consider how to live with Russia when the war in Ukraine is over.
  7. he is a fan of Viktor Orban and thinks Germany is “idiotic”
  8. Germany's military a basket case and its energy policy “idiotic”
  9. “Germany’s promises have materialized into manure” 
  10. “Why do American taxpayers subsidize idiotic German energy policy
  11. Vance spoken highly of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
  12. Hungary offers loans to newly married couples who have kids. Why can’t we do that here? Why can’t we actually promote family formation?”
  13. and the U.K. may be an “Islamist” state.
  14. first truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon is actually U.K.
  15. sharply critical of EU withholding funds from Hungary and Poland
  16. EU imposing liberal imperialistic views on the rest of the continent
  17. Vance called for “de-woke-ification” 
  18. schools should not teach critical race theory, no critical gender theory  
  19. Italian PM Giorgia Meloni catastrophe when it comes to actually reducing migration
  20. American tax dollars spent on security of Europe.
  21. America asked to fill the void at tremendous expense to its own citizens.
  22. each European nation needs to ask itself : are you prepared to defend yourself?
  23. U.S. must ask : if Europe can’t even defend themselves, are they allies, or clients?

Folks, these are 'assassination' words. A candidate running for the US vice-presidency who says things like this is a prime target for assassination. If JD Vance becomes president after Donald Trump it will see the end of NATO. It will see Russia and Germany back to doing business. JD Vance agrees that Russia should be Germany's economic hinterland.

These are very, very frightening scenarios for the Brits, the globalists and others.

It also means the loss of trillions of US Dollars in weapons sales, other billion dollar profits to be made from sanctions against Russian gas, billions to be made from keeping European markets closed or restricted to China etc.

This is really big money involved.  

  • In comparison the cost of one bullet for an AR15 rifle is FIFTY US CENTS !! 
  • Imagine FIFTY US CENTS versus trillions of US Dollars at stake. 
  • The  FIFTY CENT bullet wins.
I said a few days ago that the British are behind Trump's assassination attempt. 
Folks, never, ever underestimate the Brits. 

There has been an increasingly hysterical, anti-Trump rhetoric being whipped up in the British main stream media for some time now. Here are some examples:

"threatened return of Trump endangers the UK's most vital interests". 

Indeed these are "assassination" words.


We dont know if this is really true but they are certainly whipping up the hatred. 

And here is some bone-chilling language from the Royal United Services Institute or RUSI.   The Royal United Services Institute is a 200 year old British war-mongering outfit (think tank) "engaged in cutting-edge research on defence, security and international affairs".

Here is what they say about Donald Trump:

  • The spectre of Donald Trump returning to the White House 
  • looms over European security and Ukraine. 
  • Trump’s increasingly anti-NATO rhetoric,
  • Europeans need to collectively act to strengthen their resolve and capabilities.
  • For the UK, it is an opportunity to transform its approach to defence and security.
  • The prospect of ‘Trump 2.0’ is a strategic nightmare  
  • for most European policymakers.  
  • Trump’s anti-NATO posturing has escalated 
  • from arguably justified criticism of allies’ defence spending,
  •  to encouraging Russia to attack laggards.
  •  Simply complaining about such corrosive statements
  •   will not achieve anything. 
  • A second Trump presidency is a risk, 
  • and risks must be mitigated.

In an increasingly dangerous world, no single country can provide suitable mitigations alone, 
or compensate for the leadership and military capability vacuum that US disengagement would create. 

Like I said, these are "assassination" words. This is nothing more than a declaration of an extremely hostile stance against Donald Trump. And now JD Vance. By a 200 year old British "think tank" with unbreakable bonds to the British "Establishment".

This is really big money involved.

An AR-15 bullets costs only FIFTY US CENTS.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of MMKtT.

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