Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wanita MCA: Link civil servants’ pay adjustment with enhanced performance evaluation mechanism


WANITA MCA has urged the government to release detailed terms of the new Public Service Remuneration System (SSPA) to facilitate constructive feedback and suggestions from all quarters while ensuring public consensus on the implementation of the system.

This is following Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s announcement on May 1 regarding a more than 13% increase in civil servants’ remuneration effective Dec 1 this year.

The pay hike – the highest in the country’s history – involves an allocation of more than RM10 bil and had sparked national debate on its fiscal implementation.

“While recognising the contributions of civil servants to the nation, Wanita MCA stresses the need for a robust performance evaluation system to ensure that salary increases are tied to job performance, motivating civil servants to enhance efficiency and service quality,” said Wanita MCA national chairperson Wong You Fong in a statement on Tuesday (July 16).

“SSPA should incorporate a fair assessment system to show its impact on public sector performance.

“The government also needs to clarify the long-term impact assessments as to how these salary revisions will not affect national debt besides devising plans to mitigate economic pressures.”

Wong said simultaneously the government should also review the scale of civil servants with a priority on resolving the critical shortages in healthcare, nursing and education sectors to achieve more practical and effective resource distribution.

She further stressed that establishing an oversight mechanism is essential to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the new remuneration system.

“Transparent and fair implementation of the SSPA is vital to demonstrate the government’s commitment to improving the civil service and the wellbeing of society,” she added. – Focus Malaysia

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