Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why didn’t Bomba hand over rescued suicidal woman to psychiatrist instead of the cops?


A POST shared by X (formerly Twitter) by user UpdateInfo (@update1111) on the fire department’s successful rescue of a lady attempting to commit suicide has led to some pertinent questions being asked.

The original post from the fire department stated that the case happened at The Park Bukit Jalil high-rise residence. The firemen had been able to persuade the lady from taking her own life by coaxing her off the ledge.

The said lady was later handed over to the police for “further action”.

The post which has generated 1 million views at the time of writing elicited plenty of comments.

Of course, much thanks went to the Bomba (Fire and Rescue Department) personnel who persuaded the lady to not take the leap.

With one mooting a pay-rise for the Bomba personnel who also have to act as counsellors.

But another is curious as to what the Bomba personnel said that was able to coax the lady off the ledge.

One of the pertinent issues raised was why the need to further traumatise the victim by having her face the cops when she is already so distraught.

One commenter expressed hope that the lady gets the necessary help and support. This would usually mean psychiatric help and professional counselling, not extended grilling at the hands of the cops.

Many wished the lady well and hoped she will make a full recovery.

While another urged people not to judge the lady as nobody knows the pressure that has forced her to even consider ending her life. To have fought off that urge alone was commendable and he wished her well in her recovery.

A video of the incident captured by an eyewitness clearly shows this was no hoax as the lady seemed ready to end it all.

It must be noted that late last year, the Dewan Rakyat had unanimously voted to decriminalise attempted suicide. With that being the case, shouldn’t mental health professionals be the first port of call for this unfortunate lady instead of the police?

Greater empathy is needed when dealing with such incidents. Decriminalising the act was definitely a step in the right direction.

Hopefully, better SOPs can be put in place to help distressed victims in such scenarios.

In the meantime, FocusM urges anyone feeling overwhelmed by personal issues or just the pressures of the daily grind, to reach out and seek a friendly ear.

The Befrienders has a 24-hour hotline: +603-7627 2929. – Focus Malaysia

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