Monday, September 23, 2024


 In a most unusual but most welcome turn of events DYMM the Sultan of Selangor has penned a FOUR PAGE document expressing his disappointment ('dukacita') with the events surrounding the GISBH matter and the foot dragging by the relevant State authorities in taking action to resolve the matter. Here is DYMM Sultan Selangor's FOUR PAGE writ, taken from the webpage of the Selangor Royal Office.

Without a doubt there has been much foot dragging over this entire matter. The Director of JAKIM has quite proudly announced that JAKIM had been 'monitoring' this outfit for FIVE YEARS since 2019. 

Yet over the past five years (possibly from even before) HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN have been physically tortured, abused, forced into child labour and some were sexually molested. The Police are investigating 13 cases of sodomy involving young boys. What this means is that NO ACTION WAS TAKEN over the past five years that could have saved these children from suffering this terrible fate.  

To DYMM Tuanku Sultan Selangor, this case has also made the public become well aware of a nexus between all sorts of religious bodies and institutions which are sympathetic towards these criminal elements who have now been arrested by the Police.

Political parties, consumer associations and NGOs selling the "religion brand" have  been vocal in showing their sympathies towards the perpetrators involved.  The State institutions mentioned by DYMM Tuanku above have also been not up to the mark. Their foot dragging can be deemed as negligence. 

Various pictures and commens have gone viral In Social Media which show the perpetrators (who have since been arrested) having multiple meetings with the highest ranking political leaders and Ministers in the country. Ministers and political leaders are shown handing over government assistance through aid programs or outright cash handouts to individuals and organisations closely identified with these perpetrators.This alone may explain why the slow pace or no pace of action taken against them.

The common factor among all of them seems to be the religious connection. They have quite obviously hijacked the religion for their more devious purposes. It will perhaps be more accurate to say that their devious intentions compel them to hijack the religion.  Religion is just a tool to achieve their various ulterior motives. Political power, access to public funds and increasingly weird sexual pecadillos seem to be in their bucket lists. 

Ke Bawah DYMM Tuanku, to conclude I see a never ending quest by all these players to erode the authority and the jurisdiction of DYMM the Raja-Raja Melayu over religious affairs in this country which is a cornerstone of our Federal Constitution. There seem to be constant, multi-pronged attempts - usually backdoor attempts - at usurping the jurisdiction of the DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu over religious affairs.

What has happened thus far in this case shows even worse possibilities and disasters if religious affairs were indeed to be hijacked by them. 

Ampun Tuanku.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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