Sunday, September 29, 2024



It was the first day of school. Harry's mother went into his bedroom and said, "Come on Harry, get up now. You have to go to school today."
"But I don't want to go to school," replied Harry, "I want to stay in bed. Why do I have to go to school"?

"Because," answered his mother, "you're the teacher!"


Q: What are a blonde's first words after graduating college?

A: "Would you like fries with that?"


Teacher: Will any idiot in the room stand up please?
(a student stands up)

Teacher: Why do you think you are an idiot?

Student: Actually, I am not but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!


Q: Why did the girl wear glasses in the mathematics class?

A: It improves di-vision.


The teacher of the earth science class was lecturing on map reading. After explaining about latitude, longitude, degrees, and minutes, the teacher asked, "Suppose I asked you to meet me for lunch at 23 degrees, four minutes north latitude and 45 degrees, 15 minutes east longitude?"

After a confused silence, a voice volunteered, "I guess you'd be eating alone!"


Chintu: "You never study, so how come you don't fail your mathematics test?"

Pintu: "Because whenever there is a mathematics test, I don't go to school!"


Teacher: "What is the largest city?"
Student: "Electricity!"


A boy was at school and his teacher asked him to learn 3 new words over the weekend. His father is a pilot and taught him the word "takeoff." His mother is a zoo keeper and taught him the word "zebra." His big sister was going to have a baby and taught him the word "baby."

He went to school the next day and his teacher asked, ''What are your three words?''

The boy said, ''Takeoff zebra baby!''

As usual, we remind you to take your Memo Plus Gold daily. It will help to keep you alert and mentally sharp. For more information or to order for Memo Plus Gold, please visit :

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