Saturday, July 11, 2015

Man who 'ordered' AmBank founder's murder is connected to WIFE OF POLITICIAN, Najadi's son claims LINKED to Najib's a/cs

Man who 'ordered' AmBank founder's murder is connected to WIFE OF POLITICIAN, Najadi's son claims LINKED to Najib's a/cs
Pascal Najadi, the son of slain Ambank founder Hussain Najadi, claimed the man who purportedly ordered his father's killing has returned to Malaysia under an alias.
Speaking to Malaysiakini from Russia in a Skype interview, Pascal said he was informed of the suspect Lim Yuen Soo’s return by a source on condition of anonymity.
He also claimed Lim was connected to the wife of a local senior politician.
Pascal insisted that police look into Lim's phone records over the last five years as it may reveal communications with the woman.
Malaysiakini's investigation also revealed Lim is more than a businessman who ran "entertainment outlets and carpark businesses" as described by police.
Research showed that Lim owns a security firm named Active Force Security Services Sdn Bhd, which describes its nature of business as "guards and security services".
According to a Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) search, Lim controls 30 percent of the company. The information was last updated on Jan 5, 2015.
The other two shareholders are former Melaka Tengah police chief Mohd Khasni Mohd Nor, who also holds a 30 percent stake in the company, and one Ismail Mohd Noh who controls the remaining 40 percent.
Man who ordered killing still free; was there a mastermind behind Lim
Lim had allegedly paid Kong Swee Kwan RM20,000 to gun down Pascal's father, Hussain, on July 29, 2013 near Jalan Ceylon in Kuala Lumpur.
Kong (photo below) was arrested in September 2013 and sentenced to death a year later but Lim remained elusive despite police announcing in October 2013 that it was seeking Interpol's help to track down the mastermind who was believed to be in Australia.
So it came as a surprise to Pascal when inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar on Wednesday abruptly declared the case, with the shooter already convicted, as "solved".
It is for this reason, Pascal said he had not relayed the information about Lim's possible return to the Malaysian police whom he described as "unreliable".
"I am not the one doing the police work. This should have been picked up by the police. They should know, and I think they do know...," alleged Pascal, who had hired his own private investigators.
Private investigators
Pascal said he was baffled that Malaysian police had in October 2013 given an ultimatum to Lim to turn himself in within a week and then later announced they believe he was in Australia and would seek Interpol's help.
Around the same time, Pascal said an anti-terrorism officer in France with close links to Interpol informed him that Lim had fled from Sydney, Australia to Shanghai on a commercial flight.
"Now, if you look at the security protocol, you understand that in any modern nations' airport, with biometric passport, you cannot walk through unnoticed.
"So this man had very powerful help. Who helped him? I don't know, but he had powerful help to fly on a scheduled flight from Sydney to Shanghai in October 2013," said Pascal.
Very powerful individuals
Pascal said the focus of his private investigators is now on establishing Lim's links to certain individuals.
"We are in the middle of investigating everything. Because the Malaysian police is not reliable, we have to do it ourselves.
"I do not want to reveal things that are not yet ready but they are ongoing in this process and of course today's process helps us to get more access to information than before," he said.
The "process" Pascal was referring to is a separate investigation into allegations that RM2.6 billion linked to 1MDB was deposited into Prime Minister Najib Razak's bank accounts at AmBank.
Pascal had previously alluded that the two cases may be linked, but when pressed on whether he had evidence, he was reluctant to reveal much except to say, "I have reason now to believe there is a link".
He also described claims that his father was killed for mediating on behalf of a temple to prevent its land from being acquired as a "concoction".
Police chief Khalid had however dismissed any suggestion that Hussain's murder was linked to the scandal involving government-owned investment fund 1MDB. -M'kini

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