Saturday, July 11, 2015

SOUNDS LIKE PERKASA? Selangor Sultan 'regrets' small group of Malays for questioning Malay rights & privileges

SOUNDS LIKE PERKASA? S'gor Sultan 'regrets' small group of Malays for questioning Malay rights & privileges
The sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has called on the people in the state to be cautious of external elements which can split the unity of Muslims.
He said the Malays should avoid squabbling among themselves as it could destabilise and damage the holy image of Islam.
"Differences are seen on rise lately and if they are allowed to worsen, the Malays will not be able to control the country's administration and maybe only become a part of history.
"I regret that a small group of Malays are boldly questioning the rights and privileges of Malays which are enshrined in the country's constitution," he said at the opening of the Puncak Alam Mosque yesterday.
Sultan Sharafuddin also described the actions of this splinter group as selling the dignity of Malays and Islam which would ultimately lead to their end.
He also expressed his dissatisfaction with some parties who used the mosque for politicking and giving talks not according to guidelines set, as well as influencing Muslims in a deviationist direction.
"I understand Selangor has become the focus of deviationist groups so the Selangor Islamic Religious Department and Muslims are reminded to be alert to prevent the proliferation of such teaching," he said.
Sultan Sharafuddin also advised Selangor residents to be thrifty and not to overspend during the Aidilfitri celebration next week to prevent wastage. – Bernama

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