Sunday, July 12, 2015

Muhyiddin : "Foreigners sees us as a Third World country"

Image result for 1mdb scandal

  • Task force probe on 1MDB need to reveal truth: DPM 
  • Muhyiddin said need for closure 
  • through thorough and transparent investigation 
  • need to investigate until the end.
  • important in retaining confidence of foreign investors
  • closure also important to image of country. 
  • overseas a lot people ask me about this issue 
  • and what is happening in Malaysia
  • They ..see Malaysia like a Third World country
  • Read More :
My comments : So now they see us as a Third World country.  Eloklah tu.

Ini bukan saya cakap tau. Ini timbalan presiden UMNO dan timbalan perdana menteri yang cakap.  So jangan marah saya ok. Pi marah timbalan perdana menteri.

Quite soon the whole world will see us as a third rate par!@ country.  Ini saya yang cakap. 

Pemimpin semua crooks. Tambah lagi badut, clowns. Muka penyamun bulat-bulat, tembam macam badak air.

This is the herd that is ruining the country. Hello brader kau orang tak rasa malu ke?

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