Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sarawak Report moles in Bank Negara: Foreign correspondents in HK told a week ago

Image result for Bank Negara officials leak to Sarawak Report


Original article
Exceprts from RPK's 11 July's The Bank Negara Scandal, Yet Again 
"[Datuk NMY, SM and ARAB] have been identified as the three culprits from the bank who leaked confidential information to the Wall Street Journal.
A report has already been made against them and there is a strong possibility they are going to suffer the same fate that Murad did back in 1999.
In the first Bank Negara scandal in 1993 it involved the crime of trying to cover up the RM30 billion Forex losses and the crime of lying to Parliament. In 1999 it was the crime of money laundering and the crime of siphoning out RM3 billion. This time it is more serious.
The authorities are working on the angle that these three Bank Negara officers are trying to subvert the government and subversion can be interpreted as an act of treason. This can have very serious repercussions on the country and any act of sabotage to bring down the country is punishable under the charge of waging war against the Agong and can attract the death sentence.
Maybe they thought they were just sabotaging the Prime Minister but when the act of sabotaging the Prime Minister involves sabotaging the country then it would tantamount to treason. And treason means death.
There is no confirmation yet how the police are going to proceed with this case but indications are they are already quite fed up with the whole matter and this time may throw the book at [the Bank Negara three]."

One thing you'd know by now is that Raja Petra's info and style are not for the faint-hearted; what he dishes out can be a little too overwhelming for a lot of people. "Come on, is this for real?" someone asked me about RPK's article on the BNM moles. Well, we'll know soon enough if the Task Force led by Attorney-General Gani Patail has caught those who have been leaking out what they shouldn't to foreign agents like Saraawak Report, Wall Street Journal, Xavier Justo or/and their representatives. Since Malaysians are so ready to believe anything, why not give RPK the benefit of the doubt until it's been officially denied? But one thing we do know for sure, people leak national secrets for money. Lots of it.

In the meantime, watch this video clip* [which could as well be a manual on "How to run down your country in 30 minutes"] if only to learn that the Opposition politicians, who are among people who treat Sarawak Report's documents and articles as gospel truth, have known for a while that Clare Rewcastle Brown's moles are in the Malaysian Central Bank ...

" ... a lot of us suspect that the central bank authority or someone in the central bank is the whistleblower on this particular case." - YB Wong Chen (PKR, Kelana Jaya) at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong on July 6 on a 1MDB expose where the Wall Street Journal claimed that RM700 million had gone into PM Najib's personal account 

Other quotable quotes: 

Wong Chen's on Dr M:
"1mdb stems from Dr Mahahtir fighting PM Najib ... the basic argument is about accountability and transparency, which is very ironic because most of you know who Dr Mahathir is (chuckles), and the way he ruled for 22 years .. (more chuckles)".
On his "nest" in Singapore and very strange views on Islam:
"... it's when the people start to express very strange views about Islam and what a multiracial country should be, then that's the real challenge ... the pure news is: the government has lost its moral compass, and by losing that moral compass it is influencing the people and the community to act and behave in an erratic manner: intolerance, disunity disharmony these are the norms everyday," and he went on to blame the social media: "and we see it because the social media is now such a powerful tool, and it's going up and up, and the government is not doing much about it, despite all the rhetorics..."
Wong Chen's promoting tourism to Malaysia:
"They passed the law to bring back indefinite detention without trial. So if you come to Malaysia and you do certain things and the government is not happy with you, they might just pick you up and throw you in jail forever. There is no recourse for any judicial review, or nothing, you can't do a habeas corpusapplication to get any form of justice."

* Taken from Zakhir Mohamad's latest posting Relying on lies and fabricated story 

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