Monday, July 13, 2015

Steer clear of racial issues, stay focussed on mess of 1MDB

Dapsy chief says the people should keep calm over the Low Yat Plaza rampage and band together instead against BN’s mismanagement of the economy
KUALA LUMPUR: The people should not let the rampage that erupted at Low Yat Plaza divide them along racial lines but should instead band together against the mess that 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has degenerated into, said Dapsy Bukit Bintang chief, Rui Wen.
In a media statement today, Rui Wen said, “We need to remember in this challenging time, rather than focusing on issues that divide us, we should focus on issues that impact us all as Malaysians like the daylight robbery by 1MDB and the mismanagement of the economy by Barisan National.”
Referring to the ugly rampage on Saturday where a man accused of shoplifting had returned in the evening with a group of friends to vandalise a shop on the ground floor, Rui Wen said, “We call all peace loving and right minded Malaysians to join us in condemning these thuggish acts together and leave the incident to the authorities to investigate.”
Apart from various versions of what actually transpired at Low Yat Plaza circulating on the Internet, certain quarters have also claimed it was a clash between races. Commenting on the racial undertones the incident has now assumed, Rui Wen said, “We also condemn any attempts to racialise the issue and fan racial sentiments. Malaysians should go beyond looking at issues from a racial perspective.”
He also said Dapsy condemned any racial intimidation through “violence and misinformation” and called on all Malaysians to be peace loving and stay calm.

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