Monday, July 13, 2015

Syed Ali brands Wong Chen ‘disloyal’ to Malaysia

Claims speech at Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong entirely “laced with venom against the government.”
KUALA LUMPUR: UMNO Cheras division head Syed Ali Alhabshee tore into opposition lawmaker Wong Chen for allegedly tarnishing Malaysia’s image during a speech which he delivered to the Foreign Correspondent Club, Hong Kong, on July 6.
Chastising Wong for attempting to whip up “anti-Malaysia sentiments” in a foreign country, he called Wong’s behaviour “shameful” and even claimed that he had been “disloyal” to his country and fellow Malaysians.
“It seems like his only agenda in Hong Kong was to tarnish the image of the country by painting a bad picture about our government and leaders,” Syed Ali concluded. “This is appalling.”
“I have no problems whatsoever about constructive criticism hurled at the Malaysian government,” Syed Ali says, “but there are many people out there who task it upon themselves to rubbish the government just for the heck of it.”
He claimed that Wong “vented out his anger” during the speech.
“The entire length of his speech was laced with venom against the government, where he hinted at conspiracy theories surrounding the disappearance of flight MH370, hinted that his party de-facto leader, Anwar Ibrahim, deserved privileged treatment in prison unlike other convicted persons and attacked the Prime Minister on the 1Malaysia Development Berhad crisis,” Syed Ali wrote.
The outspoken UMNO divisional leader claimed that Wong had “made a mockery of the country’s judiciary and even had the audacity to take a whack at the Malay leaders, including former Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, whom he hinted as unaccountable.”
“And if this is not enough,” Syed Ali added, Wong brought up the “Allah” issue, which he said was “highly sensitive and has the potential to divide our beloved country along religious lines.”
“A Malaysian court has already made a ruling stating the word cannot be used in a Catholic publication to describe God,” Syed Ali pointed out.
He also took issue with Wong discussing the alleged 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) financial misappropriation without waiting for the multi-agency task force completing its investigations into the matter.

1 comment:

  1. GUTTER POLITICS, the one and ONLY reason to HATE politics or politikus in my mother(land)
    Is the current political system MATURE enough?

    What is the difference between "Good CITIZEN" and "GOOD HUMAN"?
    One means a loyal SLAVE to the GAHMEN forever for a mere BONE !
    Another means loyal to your true self and your true GOD !


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