Saturday, July 11, 2015

"There is enough probable cause to arrest Jho Low.."

Image result for Arrest Jho low

So said a very senior member of an Advisory Board. The time has come where arrest warrants are isuued.  Once under arrest then closer interrogations, searches and seizures can be undertaken.

It is becoming factually obvious (the occurences can be counted) that when it comes to the critics of the gomen, whatever actions there are, are taken against them rather quickly.  When it comes to the gomen itself or those who are near the ruling circles then it goes quite the other way.

That most recent lawyer's letter demands that Bank Negara Malaysia investigate whistleblowers within 72 hours. Wow !!

Orang lain curi duit, orang lain pula kena siasat. Banyak cantik.

All the brown nosers around the naked emperor are at last beginning to smell themselves. 

The latest news is about the drunkard and womanising Mat Salleh communications consultant to the Super Moron.  Talk is he has 'left the building', his offices are closed and piles of incriminating documents have been shredded.

I am told that members of the Supreme Council who met the Super Moron on Sunday came away very disappointed. After the 'angguk kepala' session (the left over feudalism) they went back and started WhattsApping and bitching about the meeting.  Well it is a start.  Talk is the MT is in a 'retak tunggu belah' situation.

Musa Hitam's comment that the Super Moron should go on leave puts Shahrir Samad in quite a quandary. Musa is Shahrir's idol and mentor.  Musa certainly is no supporter of Tun Dr Mahathir  which makes Musa's statement even more relevant.  Everyone wants Super Moron to go.

That survey now shows that only 5.83%  support Super Moron.  

Its a weekend. Everyone is away. Lets see what the Monday brings. 

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