
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Prophesy of Tunku Abdul Rahman

The Star Online - A big misunderstanding

KUALA LUMPUR: There was a “misunderstanding” over the nature of the Private Member’s Bill tabled by PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang in Parliament, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

He said the proposed Bill was not about hudud.

“We have told our friends in Barisan Nasional that it was a big misunderstanding when Abdul Hadi brought in the Bill.

“They see it as hudud laws as he is closely related to the hudud issue,” Najib told a press conference yesterday after the Umno Supreme Council meeting.

He said the proposed Bill was on reforming the caning punishment meted out by the Syariah Court.

“It’s about enhanced punishment. From six times caning, it has been proposed that the number will depend on the crime committed,” he said, adding that as the proposed Bill touched upon the Syariah Court, it would only involve Muslims in the country.

Najib said the caning punishment would not be severe.

“In Islam, the caning method will not cause injury due to the limits on how the caning is carried out,” he said.

He said that the proposed Bill would not touch upon non-Muslims in Malaysia and that Umno would listen to its component parties’ views on the matter.

“If we want to amend the laws, of course we need to rely on the consensus of all of BN.

'Misunderstanding' is the second most used English word in Malaysian politics, wakakaka. The most used is 'calm' as in 'keep calm', wakakaka again.

It's said that under the proposed amendments the syariah court will have increased powers to have 'offenders' flogged up to 100 lashes, just what the clerics love to have, the powers to punish kau kau.

If what PM Najib said is true, that “In Islam, the caning method will not cause injury due to the limits on how the caning is carried out,” then why not leave it at 6 strokes as it is today. Why allow the syariah courts the power to inflict flogging up to 100 lashes?

Qatif girl, a rape victim but a Shiite to be punished under Sunni jurisdiction

when she wanted to appeal she was warned that if she did, the flogging would be increased

just Saudi Islamic justice 

Also heard has been the powers of the syariah court to pass the punishment of stoning in cases of adultery.

It seems the prophesy by allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman may be coming true.

In his PM days, when asked by a Western reporter on whether Malaya (not yet Malaysia) had stoning laws for adultery, the Tunku replied (words to the effect): "If we stone every adulterer in Malaya we'll run out of stones."

Time to invest in quarries.

and it must be halal

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