
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mahfuz: Did Husni, Wahid run away from 1MDB scandal?

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The exit of two ministers in charge of financial matters, Husni Hanadzlah and Abdul Wahid Omar, amid the ongoing 1MDB scandal is highly questionable, said PAS lawmaker Mahfuz Omar.
"Husni and Wahid's resignations leaves a thousand and one questions... Why did the two of them run away from the national scandal that is 1MDB?" the Pokok Sena MP asked in a statement today.
During yesterday's cabinet reshuffle, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak announced that Husni had resigned as second finance minister due to personal reasons.
Husni was later revealed to have also quit from all his positions in Umno and BN, including as Umno treasurer.
Meanwhile Wahid, who is a former Maybank CEO, reportedly sought a return to the private sector after his first term as senator ended on June 4.
"I'm confident that because of their cabinet position they know a lot hidden knowledge involving Najib in the country's big scandal (1MDB) to the point that they are unwilling to conspire with Najib," Mahfuz claimed.
He is confident that their cabinet exits were silent protests towards the prime minister, and urged Husni to join the rakyat to "save Malaysia".

Meanwhile, Perak Amanah invited Husni to join their ranks, believing that the Tambun MP had quit all his posts due to scandals plaguing Putrajaya.
Perak DAP chief Nga Kor Ming also praised the former second finance minister's decision to resign, again believing that this was due to the Najib administration's scandals.
Nga hoped that more government leaders would follow in Husni's footsteps.
Najib has consistently denied any wrong doing in the 1MDB scandal, while attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali has cleared the premier of criminal misconduct in cases linked to the state investment firm. - Mkini

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