Tuesday, November 2, 2010

After Clinton talks, Najib administration pledges fair trial for Anwar

Anwar has accused Najib, his wife Rosmah of plotting the charges
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman pledged today after talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim will get a fair trial on sodomy charges.

"It is in my interest and our interests to make sure Anwar gets a fair trial," Anifah said during a joint press conference, referring to the charges that could see Anwar jailed for up to 20 years.

Anwar, a former deputy premier who was sacked and jailed on separate sex and corruption counts a decade ago, says he is again the victim of a political conspiracy and fears he will not receive justice on the latest allegations.

His opposition alliance made substantial gains in 2008 elections, seizing a third of parliamentary seats in an unprecedented performance against the Barisan Nasional coalition which has ruled for half a century.

Najib, Rosmah met the aide
Anwar, who is accused of illicit relations with a young male aide, has said the allegations have been been concocted to end his career and neutralise the threat he poses to the government.

Human Rights Watch has urged Malaysia to drop the charges, condemning the case as a "charade of justice," and the United States has previously warned it is watching the saga closely.

Sodomy, even among consenting adults, is illegal in Malaysia, a conservative Muslim-majority country.

Anwar's trial opened in February but has been punctuated by lengthy delays and has made little progress. - AFP

Clinton says US still watching Anwar’s case

PUTRAJAYA - Hillary Clinton sidestepped the issue of meeting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim but admitted that United States officials have been in regular contact with the opposition leader and are watching his sodomy case.

The local media have been speculating that the US Secretary of State will meet Anwar to show Washington’s continued support for Anwar, who is currently facing his second sodomy charge.

“I was unable to meet with the prime minister and that had an impact on my schedule here in Kuala Lumpur. Officials from the United States have been in regular contact with Anwar Ibrahim and will continue to be in contact and we are watching his case,” she told reporters at a press conference at the Foreign Ministry here.

Clinton also stressed that her government was monitoring the trial and urged for it to be conducted without prejudice.

“It is well known that the United States believes that it is important for all aspects of the case to be conducted fairly and transparently. And in a way that it could bring confidence to the rule of law in Malaysia.

“Our embassy maintains good relations with both the ruling coalition and the opposition as important participants in the democratic process here in Malaysia and we will continue to support Malaysia’s progress in strengthening the democratic institutions and the rule of law,” she added.

Anwar, a former finance minister and deputy prime minister, is charged with sodomising Saiful at Unit 11-5-1 of the Desa Damansara Condominium in Jalan Setiakasih, Bukit Damansara here between 3.01pm and 4.30pm on June 26, 2008.

He has denied the charge, describing it as “evil, frivolous lies by those in power” when the charge was read out to him. He is charged under section 377B of the Penal Code and can be sentenced to a maximum of 20 years’ jail and whipping upon conviction. The trial is taking place 18 months after Anwar was charged in court in August 2008.

Anwar was charged with sodomy and corruption in 1998 after he was sacked from the Cabinet and was later convicted and jailed for both offences. He was freed in September 2004 and later resurrected his political career by winning back his Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat in a by-election in 2008, which had been held in the interim by his wife.

However, Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman denied that Anwar was being politically prosecuted.

“If there is a political prosecution, I think the Barisan Nasional government is much smarter than that. We might have stopped Anwar before he become a Member of Parliament and put the trial in open court.

“What I can assure you as a member of Parliament and Cabinet that it is my interest and our interest to make sure that Anwar gets a fair trial because if there is such thing as political prosecution then what can happen to Anwar can certainly happen to us. So being an open trial, I think the world is able to judge what will be the outcome,” he said.

He also said that the Malaysian government will not stop Clinton from meeting Anwar.

“I have no objections at all that if Secretary Clinton wants to meet with Anwar because it is customary for leaders when they come to any country to see both government and opposition leaders,” he said. - Malaysian Insider

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