Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Powerful Ladies in BolehLand

This week sees three powerful ladies in BolehLand.

US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton and Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia are in town. Normally one would expect the city being festooned with flags of the guests. But there was hardly such flags in KL city at least not visible to motorists. The PGA buntings seem more visible than the flags of US of A or Australia.

Perhaps all the action is in Putrajaya, being the administrative city of BolehLand, some refering it to UMNO-city and UMNO-kingdom where its leader has vowed to defend it even if it means "our bodies are crushed and our lives lost, brothers and sisters, whatever happens, we must defend Putrajaya"... metaphorically speaking according to 1Malaysia.

And Clinton if she is on an official visit by invitation of the government should surely need to follow protocol and the government's programme. Why on earth is she also having in her itinerary to meet the opposition leader? Isn't that being rude or she thinks as being the most powerful lady in the world, she can meet who she wants, no?

But it's not the first time the US of A decides their own agenda. They have met anyone they choose to meet and say anything they like, diplomatically or rather rude and curt (remember that fello who gored at the host supporting some 'justice' movement).

Wouldn't it be proper to address both houses as a matter of normal procedure and protocol and meet the opposition leader thereafter than have a private meeting? Perhaps Clinton is playing the balls right, that is, keeping all options open given the pretender to the throne claim of 'onward Putrajaya'. Sometimes when people seemed in despair and lost in hope, rhetoric can be the only powerful option and can be twisted to transform into a delusional fact to keep one's hopes alive, right?

Two powerful ladies are in town and since our leader is temporary indisposed because of some chicken-pox we are told, there is really nothing to worry about.

Have no fear or be in despair BolehLand is left in a quandary. After all, the other First lady is already playing her role pretty well so it seems even delivering an official speech on behalf of no 1. According to protocol isn't No2 supposed to be bagi pihak for official functions?

But then this is BolehLand, and being the first first lady of a first lady third world grouping must surely count for something as well as conferred with power and place in BolehLand government, right?

So will there be a first in BolehLand of three powerful ladies together pretty in a row appearing in MSMedia next?

Only a picture will tell, right?

courtesy of YAHMEH

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