Friday, April 1, 2011

Yet another lawsuit against blogger Malaysia

"The Lair?" vs Apanama (and Blog House Malaysia). Journo-blogger Firdaus Abdullah may have become the latest victim of a lawsuit orgy aimed at blogosphere. His March 25 posting The Liar's Lair? (with question mark) could be the article said to be offensive and libelous by the owner ofLanson Place Ambassador Row Residences, Kuala Lumpur, who is being represented by the law firm Raja, Darryl & Loh. In its letter of demand mailed to the ex-NSTP journalist, thelaw firm said its client's premises "were not subject to any police investigations nor had our client's premises ever been inspected by any forensic experts pertaining to the alleged video recording as alleged in the abovesaid article". The article cited by the law firm isThe Liar's Lair (without the question mark).

I must confess that I had not read Apanama's article The Liar's Lair? (with question mark) before this latest unexpected development. If the intention of RDL's client is to make use of the blog to garner as much publicity as it could get with the lawsuit, it is succeeding!

Apanama's owner Firdaus Abdullah is the assistant secretary of the just-registered Blog House Malaysia, an association of bloggers set up to promote good blogging and protect bloggers.

p.s. In a related development, the Inspector-General of Police says the sex video involving a man who resembles Anwar Ibrahim is forensically REAL. Syed Akbar Ali blogs H E R E.

- Rocky's bru

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