Monday, May 2, 2011

BN does not owe Malaysians a living!

SATIRE When are Malaysians going to learn that we, BN, do not owe you a living? We know you are our boss, but we do all we can to make sure you are safe, secure and able to live in peace. Other than that, please do not make unrealistic demands. We are not superheroes, you know?!!

We built an Army, Air Force and Navy to defend the country against our enemies. Our latest purchase of Submarines and our intention to buy the latest Military Gunboats were met with unrealistic protests, saying that we misused funds, that our second-hand submarines were too costly and couldn’t dive properly. You even accused us of overspending even though we said that the purchases would stimulate downline industries who would gain eventually.

We also developed a Police Force to ensure that our laws are protected and enforced without fear or favour, and you still say that our Police are trigger-happy, not law-abiding, and prone to graft. I mean ... What is this? Don't complain for the sake of complaining!

We even developed RELA, as a third force just in case the first two failed. RELA is supposed to be the eyes and ears of the government. And just so that this three line of defence fail, we have even formed a sub branch of RELA headed by Perkasa called the Brigade Setia Negara.

Hoping to attract more members, we should be 2.6 million strong by the end of next year. Anyone, who declares loyalty to the country, may join even though we are yet to determine if Non-Malays can be members. And to ensure that this Brigade has enough clout, we have given them uniforms and began paramilitary training so that they will be well equipped to defend the nation. Membership has its benefits and one of them is a personal accident policy.

Is this our fault

The Malays wanted more rights, so we gave them more rights. The Chinese and Indian leaders think their people do not deserve more rights, so they did not fight for it. And now, their people are slowly deserting them. Is it our fault?

The Malays wanted religion so we gave it to them, and enacted laws to protect Islam in the country. The Chinese wanted more freedom, so we built casinos, theme parks, discos and pubs, massage parlours, cinemas and everything else to keep them happy. The Indians wanted us to ensure that their welfare is taken of, and we tried without much success. We are still not sure what the Indians want but we still allow them to form Hindraf.

We allowed everyone to built places of worship but they went and built indiscriminately without our permission, so we had no choice but to tear them down. When there were religious tensions, we only supported the majority, and clamped down on the minority to prevent further chaos.

When we saw that Non-Malays owned more houses, we gave discounts to Malays so that they too, can own houses.

And still you are not satisfied and you say we did not run the country well. What more do you want? You say you wanted independence of the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative, and we did try to separate their powers but without much success.

You cannot simply sack the old guard without them retaliating. When we tried to sack former IGP Musa, see how he protested! Taib Mahmud is also another stubborn one, refusing to retire. And it took us ages to retire that Doctor in the House.

You people, cannot continue to condemn us for Malaysia’s poor performance. You appointed us to do our jobs, but compared to Politicians in other countries, we are being paid a pittance. How can we survive on such low salaries? After 5pm, if we look for other-side income, that is our business and Malaysians should not chastise us for being well-off, or living beyond our means. You say we are corrupt, as if you people are honest to the core.

We are good managers, no doubt about that, but it doesn’t mean we have to work 24 hours a day for the country. And you have appointed us to work for you for 54 years, and yet you say our work ethic has suffered and we are no longer the loyal employees we once were.

Some of you want us out. Of course, we protest. If we leave our jobs now, who will want to employ us? Other countries won’t accept our blacklisted resume’, and like you we do have large families to feed and cronies to protect.

Accept the status-quo

What Chua Soi Lek says is very true. Please just accept the status quo. Nothing has to change. We will continue to perform our duties, just stop complaining and go back to your daily routine. Tomorrow will still be the same as today. There’s nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Just trust us, and we promise not to run the country to the ground.

“You scratch my back and I scratch yours,” that should be our motto. Whether it is 1Malaysia, 1Melayu or 1Bumi, doesn’t really matter. If you continue to try and dislodge us from our jobs, we will retaliate and you wouldn’t like it when we are angry.

In the past, you tried to appoint another company to try and kick us out without success. This stupid company that goes by the name of Opposition Coalition Sdn Bhd, is no match for us. A rag-tag coalition fighting for nationalism, equal rights and democracy. 'Where got such thing one?' They are inexperienced and lack the balls to make hard decisions - unlike us.

So remember, you are the ones who employed us. So stop complaining and let us do our jobs.

If you don’t like the way we do things, why do you keep appointing us year after year? After all the hard work we put in, you are now saying that our work sucks, and that we are climbing all over the bosses' heads.

This is our last warning - if you try to sack us without valid reasons, we will take it up with the Labour Department. And if you talk too much, we will not come to work tomorrow! - Malaysia Chronicle

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