Monday, May 2, 2011

Dr M: Sumpah laknat is Eskay's right

This is because the businessman ‘felt he was right’, while others argue that the 'sumpah' itself is a deviance from Islam.
Former premiere Dr Mahathir Mohammed said businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah had every right to take the Muslim holy oath (sumpah laknat) yesterday to implicate opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim in the Carcosa sex video.

At a press conference in Alor Setar yesterday, Mahathir said this is because Eskay felt he was right in doing so, while the one who failed to take the oath probably felt they had done something wrong.

NONE"It's his (Eskay's) right to take the oath because he thinks he is right, and for the one who did not want to take the oath because he feels he has done wrong, it is also his right," quipped Mahathir, after speaking at a gathering organised by Malay rights pressure group Perkasa.

While the country's longest serving PM of 22 years gave the thumbs up to the oath-taking ceremony over the sordid sex video caper, others were aghast that the sanctity of the mosque had been tarnished by the act, that took place at a mosque in Sentul yesterday.

Penang PKR Youth wing Syed Mikael Rizal Aidid for one urged all Malaysians especially Muslims not to be easily influenced by the latest propaganda, which he claimed was "sponsored, staged and kept alive by Umno".

He said the sideshow that took place at the mosque can be classified as bid'ah dalalah - deviant additions to Islamic teachings.

'Sumpah laknat doesn't exist'

More accurately, he added, what Shazryl did at the ceremony was sumpah fitnah (oath cum slander).

“There is no such thing as sumpah laknat in Islam but there is sumpah li'an in proving the allegations of adultery involving husband and wife,” said Syed Mikael.

“In this case, by failing to bring forth four credible witnesses, Datuk T has clearly subjected themselves to the Qazaf punishment," he added

NONEHe urged the members of Datuk T - Eskay (far right) and his cohorts former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik and former Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim - to repent immediately for tarnishing Islam and Allah's abode during the controversial ceremony.

He said their refusal to repent mirrors their intention to deliberately challenge the wrath and curse of God on themselves and all those who are involved in the creation of the curse and slander itself.

PKR youth did not spare Prime Minister Najib Razak either, reminding him that he cannot wash his hands off the matter after the oath taking ceremony.

Government complicit in lawbreaking

Syed Mikael said the involvement of the authorities in making the controversial oath-taking possible should not be viewed lightly.

"Najib should take full responsibility for the disgrace suffered by Anwar's family and all Malaysians over a series of religious stupidity and insults which have tarnish the reputation of Islam and the country," he said.

"This is not a personal case but slander that provokes the anger of the rakyat; it is a politically motivated slander to bring down Umno and BN's arch enemy, Anwar Ibrahim," he added.

Syed Mikael then dared Najib to have the sex video case tried in the Syariah Court under the Qazaf law.

He also urged the police to immediately arrest the trio for violating Section 292 (A) of the Penal Code for ownership and for public screening of porn.

"The Information, Communications and Culture Ministry should use its powers to prevent the broadcasting and dissemination of the video clip in blogs and mainstream television," he added. - Malaysiakini

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