Monday, June 27, 2011

Our Police Continues to Bark Up the Wrong Tree!

Yesterday, for one Sunday in a long while now I did NOT write a Ruminations piece. My health has not been in the pinkest colour lately, so yesterday I spent time with a Christian pastor who subscribes totally to the concept of Salvation through Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, a Buddhist believer who subscribes totally to the "karma" concept, (akin to the What goes around comes around credo...?)and I had tehtarik at tea time with a believer of all religions partially, and like Desi, the last wants to become a Cowboy singin' C&W songs in Nashville, Tennysee -- either solo, duet or a quartet when we lined up two true-blooded cowgals.

In te evening I threw caution to the wind, and going against doctor's (out of the House unless you consider that vvhacko Dr on American TV as in-house...) instruction, gobbled down the best chuKIOKsin I had laid off for more than a month.

I felt so lighthearted I woke up at 6.00AM, quite unusual as it's often after the sun has risen two hours, and after a hot Milo, began tapping on this keyboard to do someketchUP posting. I habitually do this by checking out, a collator or cybe-sentralstationof bloggers' writes/rites/writHes.

So here's catching wan:(

Ambiga accuses police of intimidation in Bersih arrests
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
June 26, 2011
Ambiga said today the arrests do not augur well for Malaysia who sits on the Human Rights Council. — file pic

KUALA LUMPUR, June 26 — The arrest of 30 Bersih activists by police in Penang under Section 122 of the Penal Code is a clear form of police intimidation to frighten supporters of the July 9 rally, Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan said today.

The Bersih 2.0 chairman accused the police of “deliberately overreacting” by arresting the activists under an “archaic provision.”

“I am utterly shocked by the manner in which these people have been arrested and the section under which they are apparently to be charged.

“This is a clear intimidation of the people involved. I think the police have deliberately overreacted by trying to intimidate people,” Ambiga told The Malaysian Insider.

The police said they are probing an alleged attempt by some Bersih activists to revive communism and are investigating 30 Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members, including Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jayakumar for “waging war against the Yang DiPertuan Agong.”

Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has defended the arrests, saying today there were reasons to justify the police action.

Hishamuddin, who is the home minister, said that he had yet to be briefed in detail on the arrests, but stated that preliminary reports showed that the activists had “other agendas” in mind.

“This does not auger well for Malaysia who sits on the Human Rights Council … clearly designed to intimidate.

“There will be more clampdowns, and more arrests ... why only attack Bersih? What have we done? And such an archaic law should not be used today,” the former Bar Council chairman added.

Deputy Penang police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar said today that remand orders would be exercised in order to detain the 30 activists under Section 122 of the Penal Code.

Police have said they will not issue any permits for rallies on July 9 and have asked the organisers to come in for questioning tomorrow.

Death threats have also been made against Ambiga and Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, who is organising a rally to support the Election Commission, which is the subject of Bersih’s demands for free and fair elections.

PS: I will do Catch U2after I go back to zzzzzzzland for a snooze OK! hopefully I can trace one PSM item when a politikus buddy at last night's Puerh Tea party mentioned about the greAt BN-UMNO gomen -- maker of garments? -- again reprised the bogeyman of "Communists" to take in some PSM leaders wit' that convenient label famously used lust by then PM Dr Mahathir against a bunch of NGO activists known as Suqiu. I remember this episode because I was then serving as an online News Editor. No, the Police did not act against a bunch of UMNO Youth then for marching towards Suqiu headoffice threatening to burn down their office in downtown KL. The considerate police were around to help direct traffic so that beesy KL folks, especially sidwalk drinks hawkers -- and sellers cigarette lighters, candles too? -- could go on making the xxtra bucks, curtsey of UMNO Youth!

C U alound!:) OR :(

I will say a prayer of peace be with them under graceful protection from the Almighty-- however you deem them to be -- for Ambiga and her intrepid BERSIH team. Are these two -- PSM and BERSIH2.0 -- the new Suqui to be because UMNO says so? God save us from these dark forces. Amen/Amin

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