Monday, June 27, 2011

Return of the Min Yuens

The PSM communist-terrorist-wannabe lembus hauled up like mad cows as they entered Penang

The arrest of 31 Parti Sosialis Malaysia led by Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar yesterday in North Penang by Penang Police for distribution of materials towards anarchy-advocation has an evil twist. The Penang Police today revealed that this group is found to be advocating materials to revive the outlawed communism rebellion. T-shirts with faces of Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and Rashid Maidin and bulleting with hardline socialism were confiscated from them.

Published: Sunday June 26, 2011 MYT 6:04:00 PM
Updated: Sunday June 26, 2011 MYT 7:10:00 PM

Police: PSM activists trying to rekindle communist ideology

He said that the 30 activists led by Sungai Siput Member of ParliamentDr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj had distributed flyers deemed to be a threat to national security.

“They were carrrying items inciting the people to hate the government. This is serious and can threaten national security,” he told reporters here on Sunday.

Police also seized various items associated with the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) ideology from the activists travelling from Sungai Petani, Kedah to Penang.

“They include flyers and t-shirts with Chin Peng, Rashid Maidin and Suriani Abdullah – all connected to MCP – written on them.”

Rahim said the 31 people, aged 18 to 64 years, were remanded to facilitate investigation into the case.

The remand order was issued pursuant to Section 122 of Penal Code for waging war on Yang diPertuan Agong.

Meanwhile, in Kuala Lumpur, police detained on Sunday eight men, who were wearing yellow t-shirts with ‘Bersih 2.0′ written in Jawi at Taman Kosas, Ampang.

Ampang Jaya Police Chief ACP Amiruddin Jamaluddin said all eight were detained for wearing yellow t-shirts with ‘Bersih 2.0′ written on it, reflecting their support for the July 9, illegal rally.

“They were also found to have disrupted public order while riding on their motorcycles in the area. It was the reason for their arrest,” he told Bernama on Sunday.

They were detained at 11am in front of the Taman Kosas mosque and taken to the Ampang police station.

They would be released after their statements were recorded, he said. – Bernama


They were arrested when they entered Penang, the next stop of their campaign tour. The are currently being investigated for crimes of waging the war against His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong

A t shirt confiscated from the PRM members enroute to Penang

For the record, the Communists Rebels lay down their arms in apeace agreement ‘Hadyaii Accord’ on 2 December 1989. TheCommunist Party of Malaya has been disbanded and arms laid. But they never gave up or thought to be ever giving up their communism ideology.

This does not come as a surprise. Penang since 12th General Election “Political Tsunami” saw the hostile-democratic-take-over by the Chinese Chauvinists DAP, the modern day Min Yuens. They were the strong advocates for the return of Communist Party Secretary General Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng, to die in the very nation he waged a brutal and bloody war for 54 years here in Malaysia. Since having new absolute power in Penang, they were systematically oppressive against the Malays. They were abhorrently rude against the Malays, which include HRH Sultans.

These Min Yuens have been consistently anti-majority and even to a point anti-nationalism. Example is Dr Kua Kia Soong and DAP Petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua’s outrageous criticism against the military and defense spending. Both claims were debunked with their face in the mud. Never the less, its their systematic attempt to rubbish if not demonise the security forces like the Armed Forces, Police, MMEA etc.

Dr Kua Kia Soong telling the world Malaysia paid more for less, without substanting their claims with facts

The recent opening ceremony of Sarawak State Assembly demonstrated how these incorrible ultra-rude Chinese Chauvinists refusal to wear songkok, which is the ceremonial ware infront of His Excellency the Governor in a state official ceremony. Previously, DAP ADUN for Bentayan Gwee Tong Hiang refused to wear a songkok back in 2008. Recently, DAP ADUN for Skudai Dr Boo Cheng Hau also refused to wear songkok in the opening of Johor State Assembly officiated by HRH Acting Sultan, then Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ibrahim Ismail Ibni Sultan Iskandar.

DAP Bentayan assemblyman censured for not donning ceremonial attire

By : Siti Nurbaiyah Nadzmi and Satiman Jamin

At the first sitting of the Johor Assembly today, Bentayan assemblyman, Gwee Tong Hiang, of the DAP, was ordered to leave the State Assembly because he refused to wear the ceremonial attire for the occasion. Instead of donning the white Nehru collared tunic and songkok ceremonial attire worn by other assemblymen, Gwee chose a dark blue business suit without a songkok.

Gwee was asked to do so by the Speaker, Datuk Mohd Ali Hassan, about 9.45 am before the opening ceremony.

Speaking to reporters later, Gwee said: “I thought it did not matter what I wore because there is no standing order on the dress code. So, I chose not to wear the ceremonial attire,” he said.

Johor DAP chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau, who is the Skudai State assemblyman, said at a meeting on April 20, it was agreed that the four DAP assemblymen would wear the ceremonial attire, and Gwee although absent from the meeting was informed of the decision.

“We have agreed to wear songkok and the ceremonial attire in respect of the Sultan’s presence. It was solely Gwee’s decision not to wear the attire. However, we are not going to take any action against him,” he said.

Senai assemblyman, Ong Kow Meng, also from DAP, was not wearing a songkok when the State Assembly was in session in the morning but donned one for the opening ceremony.

Datuk Mohd Ali Hassan said reminders had been sent to all assemblymen about the dress code for the opening ceremony a month in advance.

“The allocation for the attire has been given to them, and it was known that Gwee had a pair made for himself, so there is no reason why he could not fulfil the dress code requirements,” he said.

Mohd Ali also said the opening ceremony was an official function, so everyone should adhere to the rules and regulations.

Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said Gwee was being extremely disrespectful by refusing to wear the proper attire especially the songkok in the Sultan’s presence.

“Wearing songkok in the presence of the Sultan has been a tradition which was practised for more than a century and in the case of the State Assembly it was a tradition dating back more than 50 years ago.


The utter disrespect and rudeness to HRH Sultans now escalated to His Majesty Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong.

Yesterday, in His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Sultan Mahmood official visit to Penang, the Chinese Chauvinist DAP Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng acted rude to the King. He used his index finger to point, instead of the thumb.

Sunday June 26, 2011

Penang equestrian club gets royal launch

GEORGE TOWN: Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, who is known for his passion for horses, opened the Al-Khamsa equestrian club at the Penang Municipal Park here.

The King was escorted by club president Abdul Mutalib Ismail on a tour around the centre, which sits on 0.8ha of land at the island’s main public recreational ground here.

Tuanku Mizan also visited the stables, which is home to several Arabian horses imported from Australia, Russia and Poland.

View from the top: Tuanku Mizan and Tuanku Nur Zahirah listening to an explanation by Lim (left) while enjoying the view at the peak of Bukit Bendera in Penang Saturday. — Bernama

Later, he was presented with a painting of an Arabian horse, called “balance and beauty”.

Tuanku Mizan was accompanied by Yang di-Pertua Negri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas and his consort Toh Puan Majimor Shariff as well as Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and his wife Betty Chew.

Later, the King visited Penang Hill together with Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Nur Zahirah.


This is unacceptable as any citizen if need to show something to His Majesty or any of His Royal Highnesses, they have to use their thumb. In Malay culture, a common courtesy of a younger person to do the same in pointing something to an elder person.

Utter Biadap!: Chinese Chauvinist Lim Guan Eng using index finger to point something for HM SPB YDP Agong's attention

It is impossible for Lim to be ignorant of this. He has been a legislator at Dewan Rakyat level since 1986 (with the interregnum period of 1999-2004). He used his index finger to point something for His Majesty’s attention on purpose, to subtly illustrate his utmost disrespect against the Malays and norms.

As CM of Penang, Chinese Chauvinist Lim Guan Eng( fourth from right) attending 217th Conference of Rulers meeting at Istana Negara on 29 June 2009. Still not wearing the songkok in the presence of His Majesty SPB YDP Agong, HRH Sultans and HE TYT YDP Negeri

When attending meeting of the Conference of Rulers as the Chief Minister accompanying HE Tuan Yang Terutama Yang DiPertua Negeri Pulau Pinang, Lim refuse to wear the songkok in the presence of His Majesty and all nine His Royal Highnesses. Thisbiadap behaviour is now a habit and must stop! If the Chinese Chauvinist wish to live in peace as the minority in a tanahair where the majority still uphold high respect for protocol, tradition, respect and posiition of the elders in the community, then they better learn how to behave.

Eventually, all these testing-of-tolerance-and-patience will reach its limit and end. Just like the racial riot tragedy these Chinese Chauvinists started forty two years ago. Theirsystematically testing of racism-based provocations are on the upward trend towards anarchy. A nation turned upside-down and burning with anger, hate and fury is a state where they want to be and the perfect opportunity for them to rise into absolute power.

Typically communist like pose with communism colours

That is what a modern day Min Yuen is all about. Neither they nor their comrades who waged a war against Malayans and Malaysians for 54 years would ever be forgiven, nor forgotten.


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