Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Corruption by any other name just as perverse

VOXPOP 'Hey, I did not take bribes. I just took a big discount on the land.' Ex-Selangor MB Khir Toyo does have a sense of humour.'

Khir clarifies graft charge was not for bribery
vox populi small thumbnailWira: Former Selangor MB Mohamad Khir Toyo, that you were only charged under section 165 of the Penal Code means your big brothers in Umno did not want to pull you down all the way. It says nothing about you being less guilty of corruption, especially in the eyes of the public.

This arrogant idiot reminds me of an incident where the policeman, in accepting a bribe to overlook a traffic infraction, told his victim, "This is not a bribe because you sympathise with my low pay and offer help to bring food to my family."

Pants on Fire: Khir Toyo, you shortchanged the government by RM3 million. The value of the land was RM6 million. This means you benefited RM3 million at that point of time. Come on, don't play semantics here.

Yum: Sorry, but isn't "...obtained something without adequate compensation from someone who has an official relationship with me" a bribe?

Chee Hoe Siew: Khir is found guilty and yet still tries to play with words.

The bottom line is: Khir is corrupt - he got the house a much lower price than it should be, meaning that the other party had paid on his behalf. Bribe is only a technical term, whether he receive it or not is what's important.

Garrulous Gary: "Hey, I did not take bribes! I just took a big discount on the land." Khir Toyo does have a sense of humour.

Kbe: Corruption by any other name is just as perverse.

Tell the Truth: Say whatever you like, Khir Toyo. An act of corruption is an act of corruption.

You should be grateful that you're only getting 12 months' jail sentence. If I were the judge, I would put you away for life. Think of the taxpayers' money you have abused whilst in office.

And by the way, your judgement in your afterlife will be worse than the 12 months because with an unrepentant heart such as yours, you are heading for hell.

Che: "It looks like a bribery charge, sounds like a bribery charge, but it is not a bribery charge". These corrupted politicians - they are all the same.

Righteous: Your quest for justice? How about justice for the people of Malaysia for you using your position to get such a great deal?

You are nothing but a thief no matter how you play with words, and since you held the highest state government position, you should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Righteous: And how about a little humility after being found guilty instead of walking out of the court smiling from ear to ear. Couldn't you at least pretend to be upset and play your part properly in this BN script?

Luang: Well, Khir, it's not bribery but daylight robbery. - Malaysiakini

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