Friday, December 2, 2011

NFC scandal: Why Shahrizat Abdul Jalil should resign

Courtesy of pix from here

* Reports against NFC scandal
* It’s A Cow … It’s A Condo … It’s Criminal Breach Of …
* Shahrizat declines to speak of NFC
* NFC caps a long string of scandals
* Despite scandal, Shahrizat says Wanita will lead …
* NFC scandal: PKR reveals more dirt

Let’s skip the bullshit and cut to the chase.

Shahrizat (who became an unelected representative of the people when she lost her Lembah Pantai constituency seat to a 27 year-old newcomer at the 2008 GE) can say, twist and turn, and promise all she wants about working hard to help her party win the coming 13th general election, the fact remains she already appears quite cowled with loads of dung. Very highly tainted and conceivably most likely an un-winnable candidate for BN. The rakyat is not stupid. Not any more. The sad part about this latest scandal that has emerged is that she seems to be lying through her teeth to the public. Worse yet, she seems to be lying to herself, too!

And for someone like her to have claimed to the effect that “I have nothing to do with the family’s project” is the lamest brain-dead excuse anyone could have come up with. Tak masuk akal langsung! Moreover, she insults the intelligence of the rakyat and will possibly pay dearly for it at the ballot boxes.

Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, should just resign.

The more she stays in her position the more disrepute and angst of the rakyat she will perhaps incur, not only against herself, but also against her party, her party position, the ministership, the coalition, the cabinet, the administrative, regulatory and enforcement public bodies and agencies, and, the government of the day. She will also probably make a mockery of what we hear a lot from the politicians’ mouths of proper governance, due diligence, eradicating corruption, eliminating poverty, growing the economy, justice, helping the poor and needy, solving the rakyat’s problems and misery, and what not.

At the end of the day it’s a vast sum of the people’s money that has allegedly been diverted and misused for something that was not officially and originally intended for. And contrary to most reports made in her defense in the MSM, defenses made on her behalf by her friends and colleagues, in the eyes of the rakyat, it’s possibly all these and more … it’s hijacking of other people’s brainchild project … it’s misappropriation of public funds … it’s nepotism … it’s malfeasance in high office … it’s abuse of power … it’s corruption. It’s shameful and sinful.

Everywhere we look these days it seems corruption is rampant. And it seems to pay! for we don’t usually see the big fishes get sacked, their ill-gotten wealth confiscated and paid back to the peoples’ coffers and going to jail. The small man in the street on the other hand will get the full brunt of the law for shoplifting some foodstuff worth probably about RM3 to help feed a baby.

Corruption Corruptions Corruption. How is it you are everywhere? How is it we hear of talks, day in and day out, of getting rid of you by people who are entrusted with the job but nothing seems to happen? How is it some can get away with your nonsense while some don’t?

I am confused. What has gone wrong? Where are the answers? Maybe I should go find me some cows and ask them.

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