Friday, December 2, 2011

Umno's 3 million members, what so great about it?

Up until yesterday, Umno has announced that the party's membership had reach to a total of about 3,297,358 members, with Sabah having the highest number with 487,447 members.

So what? Does number comes with quality? What has Umno produced so far from its over 3 million members nationwide? Of this 3 million plus members, how many of them are Thais, Indonesians, Rohingyas, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Philippines' Moros, Apes, Monkeys, Gorillas, Wild Boars, Chimpanzees, Dogs, Cows, Crocodiles, Crows, Snakes and those who are already in the graves? Give us the list, make the membership list public and convince us.

How many foreigners have they got and converted them into instant Malaysians? Just look at the "outstanding" increase of membership in Sabah, 487,447 members. Strange enough and certainly very doubtful.

Furthermore, Sabah political parties including both BN (excluding Umno) and Pakatan Rakyat has tonnes of complaints on the rising influx of these illegal immigrants from so many continents and they fear that the total number of these foreigners might have exceeded the original native Sabahans by now.

Umno with its 3 million plus members as claimed, if it is true enough, had then cost the BN government's fortune. That is why the treasury was almost drained dry. And again, that is why our people have to suffer so much of the subsidy cuts. The minister in the prime minister's department Datuk Seri Idris Jala was right about the government's near bankruptcy after all.

Please bear in mind, numbers does not represent quality. You can even have billions, you can have also have the whole country, but what can you offer? Corruptions, power abuse, missing funds, mismanagement and now we will have to bear all those rising inflation, coupled with Umno members who are fond of using foul languages, cursing, using abusive words, issuing threats and insulting other races and religions.

And since much of the debates in the Umno's general assembly has been all about DAP, then let's talk more about it. DAP the opposition party with the least number of members in this country, although very little, could produce many quality leaders and members with high degree of dignity and integrity to serve our people with full commitment towards the betterment of all Malaysians regardless of race, religion or skin colour.

With that 3 million plus members in Umno, let it flow away into the drain!

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