Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cameron Highlands BN a ‘mess of disunity’

The blame lies with Umno’s Wan Rosdy, says a veteran.
KUALA LUMPUR: A veteran Umno member has decried what he calls a “mess of disunity” in Barisan Nasional’s Cameron Highlands division, laying the blame on Umno division chief Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail.
Cameron Highlands BN is now split into two factions, with one side pledging support for MP SK Devamany and the other backing MIC president G Palanivel’s alleged attempt to replace him as candidate for the constituency in the coming election.
Since FMT reported on Monday that Wan Rosdy had a secret meeting with Palanivel (main photo), the rival groups have come out in the open to declare their stand.
Mahiruddin Ahmad Khairuddin, who has been a member of Cameron Highlands Umno for 20 years, told FMT many members of the division were unhappy with Wan Rosdy’s leadership, often accusing him of using his position for personal gain.
Mahiruddin alleged that the now famous secret meeting was an instance of the division chief’s attempt to feather his own nest.
“We want him to explain what was discussed in the meeting,” he said.
He said he had written to the Prime Minister and the Pahang Menteri Besar to complain about Wan Rosdy’s “destructive” leadership.
According to him, Cameron Highlands BN has become weak not because of any shortcoming attributable to Devamany, as alleged by Palanivel’s supporters, but because of Wan Rosdy’s leadership of the Umno division.
In the last two days, Umno Youth and Puteri Umno, along with MIC Youth and the Felda Youth Council, have proposed that Palanivel be fielded in Cameron Highlands in place of Devamany. But Wanita Umno and several NGOs have declared their support for the incumbent.
Mahiruddin scoffed at the Felda Youth Council’s declaration of support for Palanivel, saying its officials knew nothing about the MIC leader. “How many times have they met Palanivel?” he asked.
He challenged Puteri Umno to give a convincing explanation of why it thought two terms was enough for Devamany, noting that Wan Rosdy was also in his second term as the state assemblyman for Jelai.
He also urged Umno’s national leadership to take action against Cameron Highlands Puteri Umno treasurer Norzalina Mohd Noor for threatening to cast spoilt votes against Devamany (photo).
He said BN should choose candidates who would bring benefits to ordinary citizens, not those who would use politics for personal gain.
Meanwhile, Belia 4B Cameron Highlands has declared its support for Devamany.
“Devamany is a down-to-earth leader,” said Razali Mohd Sani, vice chairman of the youth group.
“He has never missed any Belia 4B programme and he has the support of the younger generations of Malays.”

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