Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Negotiate with students, Anwar advises Azizan

Negotiate with students, Anwar advises Azizan
KUALA LUMPUR— Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim called today for Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak to take a softer stance with the five students suspended from Kedah-owned Kolej Universiti Insaniah’s (KUIN) last year in the debacle that has called into question Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) commitment to academic freedom.
The opposition leader explained to reporters today that the Kedah mentri besar was bound by the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) under which the federal government allows the state to operate its own higher education institution.
Asked today if he agreed with Azizan that the state government’s hands were tied in this matter, Anwar replied that this was the mentri besar’s opinion based on advice given to him.
He said Azizan “should negotiate with the students as the issue is largely political.”
“He does not need to take such a stern stance,” the PKR de facto leader said, adding that he has been in contact with the Kedah MB over the issue.
Azizan said last week he is willing to be sacked for defending KUIN’s suspension of the students last May despite PR’s Buku Jingga specifically pledging a repeal of the UUCA.
He had said the “Buku Jingga was not the Al-Quran” that needs to be followed at all the times and “some things you can carry out and some you cannot, you have to look at the situation.”
But Anwar defended the PAS leader saying the Buku Jingga is a common policy that would be implemented if PR comes into power but “the UUCA is an existing law and in the absence of a new law, the license to run the school is given by the higher education ministry only if you follow the rules.”
The “KUIN Five” were hauled up before a disciplinary committee on May 25, 2011 for breaching the UUCA by participating in a demonstration, making speeches with loudspeakers and holding a press conference to protest the use of a religious teaching block to house a smart school.
Mohd Faiz Mohd Arshad was suspended for two semesters while the rest were barred for one semester and given warning letters.
Although the suspension was meted out nearly eight months ago with four of the five having already served their one-semester bans, the activists have filed to challenge the varsity’s decision in court.
Mohd Faiz Mohd Arshad wants his suspension lifted and his friends have demanded monetary compensation for their enforced absence from school.
However, the Kuala Lumpur High Court postponed the January 18, 2011 hearing on the suit to challenge the suspension without giving a new date.
PAS has demanded Azizan explain the suspension of the five students during its central leadership meeting on February 12.

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