Saturday, February 4, 2012

'Can I refinance my mortgage with a soft loan?'

VOXPOP 'Why is it that Shahrizat is returning to work when MACC has yet to complete its investigation of the scandal?'

PKR to 'greet' Shahrizat's return with more exposes

vox populi small thumbnailAnonymous_40dc: For the ordinary rakyat, if we want to buy a house, we take a housing loan; and if we want to buy a car, we take a car loan.

But for this Umno politician's family, they were given a ‘cow loan' from which they bought upmarket properties like housing lots in Putrajaya and luxury apartments, a luxury car, go on luxurious holidays, and pay themselves luxurious salaries.

No wonder, they are fighting for positions in Umno. This really reminds me of George Orwell's ‘Animal Farm'.

Righteous: All of us normal people have to get mortgages from banks and pay our monthly instalments so that by the end of the loan, we pay about double for the property after interest.

The Umnoputras get huge sums given to them that they can just buy whatever they please, and now have the audacity to say it was an investment made by the company.

Sorry, but the money was not ever given for that purpose. If the government is handing out ‘soft' loans for ‘investment', I too would like to refinance my mortgage with government money.

Anonymous_4154: Can someone please enlighten me how disbursement of the funds can be made while the project viability studies is ongoing?

This is because I also want to use the mortgage approved by the bank to do something else while waiting for my S&P (sale and purchase agreement) to be signed.

Swkdayaks: It is good that minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil stays in Umno. She will be the living symbol of what and how Umno has siphoned off taxpayers' money.

And good that PM Najib Razak protects Shahrizat by keeping her in his cabinet. Umno politicians dare to be corrupt and steal our money because they are protected.

FellowMalaysian: Her three-week vacation which was meant to cool down public's sentiment is up, but the situation remains smouldering like hot ambers with PKR threatening to reveal more skeletons in the closet.

Najib's hope that her departure would help to assuage the intense public outcry has backfired and Shahrizat must be cringing at the thought of her return and having to face the mobster-like crowd again.

MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) is still keeping mum about its investigations and it looks like it will be another torrid time next week in the annals of Shahrizat's NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) encounter.

Little Han2: Why is it that Shahrizat is returning to work when MACC has yet to complete its investigation? Has MACC been ‘bulled' again?

Afamosa These Umno politicians are a real foolish lot. They don't get the simple message that the biggest piece of the cake is eaten by the ones sitting on top. The ones below will only be getting the crumbs left behind.

But these greedy Umno politicians can wait for their turn to come so that they will get the big piece. They are not bothered whether the poor and needy Malays have enough food or clothing.

So long as their pockets are filled and they have nice clothes to wear, they don't give a damn about others. And yet the middle and low-income Malays will vote for these thieves. Hopefully come this election, they will open their eyes and vote for change.

Cannon: Shahrizat, at the Umno general assembly, you rolled up your sleeves and challenged your critics to take you on.

The folks at PKR have risen to your challenge. Report to work and show us what you got. Umno is going to suffer death by a thousand cuts by your return. - Malaysiakini

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