Saturday, February 4, 2012

Perkasa “White Envelopes Issue”

A Pakatan YB said,”Perkasa its UMNO’s vehicle and they perfectly know it very well that its against chinese custom and culture to give “white” envelopes during a joyous occasion. Its deliberately done”
Our short meeting with the YB we mention,’No way, it has anything to do with UMNO in totality as not everyone in BN are extreme or racists. So are you saying I am racists or a Bigot if I support Perkasa for their actions? Putting it together you are justs saying anyone that associates itself with BN has got to be associated with Perkasa as we are partners in a coalition.
Sometimes we unknowingly do utter “racists or unkind religious statements” but we immediately say Ooops..oh no.. we don”t mean that but Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa should be bold enough to stand up and be counted and issue a written statement to quell the growing dissent towards his actions.

Aren’t you a BIG MAN?

The blogshere/twitters are showing a lot of distrusts towards the ruling BN government over this “white envelope issue” Whats more a renowned blogger even dared to challenge the Chinese in his blog which we extract here,”no one forced you to attend Perkasa’s Chinese New Year party. Why did you go? And no one forced you to take the money that Ibrahim Ali was dishing out. Why did you take it ?
Another para extracted”Inilah Cina! If you go to a prostitute and you die after swallowing your dentures that is your problem. Stop screaming and shouting! And if you go to Perkasa’s Chinese New Year party and get insulted that is also your problem. Stop screaming and shouting!
Lastly,”Sometimes you Chinese just want to find an excuse to whack the Malays. You look for any small excuse to whack, even the colour of an envelope.Maybe Ibrahim Ali was wrong. I did not say he was right.

WOW! Isn’t this justs great.Provoking the CHINESE for being stupid or what.Don’t Insult our Intelligence PLEASE….

Please lah! RPK I am born Chinese and for a malay to say we chinese whack the malay its very RACIAL in Natureand for Gods sake you of all people are trying to provoke a situation which is already heated up to the point of exploding in our eyes.
For your information, the elderly chinese always show respect ,when they go to functions where there are presence of YBs and MPs. They treat the YBs with respect as to them the Ybs are people who have gained authority by being voted in. The Ybs might be arrogant or high handed but the reality is that the Chinese really respect their Ybs.


To be given money they will take as its CNY and the issue of white envelope should not be used to whack the chinese who were innocently present. If Ibrahim ali had given me that in SARAWAK,” I would have given him a BLACK EYE. I am serious and if I am disciplined by the party I will take it that I have taught ”Ibrahim Ali”to respect each others culture.
UMNO implicated Aah ha! Well, God is Great and today the white envelope issue article appeared again in an internet portal. I have told the Pakatan YB yesterday that even if its white it should have symbols or wordings.Perkasa again trying to run away from the blame and this is what they got. Don’t blame others for your own actions is all I can say to them here.


 The article below says it all,”Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hasan Syed Ali has pointed out that even an Umno man has been caught on camera distributing ang pow in white packets.
Taking out page 38 of Sinar Harian, Syed Hasan referred to the report that residents in Seri Setia received white ang pow packets with RM100 inside from BN’s Seri Setia coordinator Abdul Halim Samad.
NONEThe daily quoted a Taman Dato Hormat resident, Loh Miew Lin, 57, as thanking the organisers for giving the money.
However, MCA Kelana Jaya division chief Ong Chong Swen, who was also at the event, refuted the accusation by Perkasa.
Ong said this was a different case and Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali “should not try to pull in” his controversial distribution of ang pow in white envelopes.
“Ibrahim should bear the responsbility for his own mistake and should not try to pull in others.”
She explained that the white envelopes used by Abdul Halim were in fact specially printed envelopes with the BN and Umno logos on them, which were used throughout the year.
These envelopes, she stressed, were different from the pure white envolopes that were used by Perkasa.
“We use them throughout the year, not only during Chinese New Year.”We use them on Hari Raya, Deevapali and also when we distribute contributions. This is different from Ibrahim Ali’s action,”Ong added.
- audie61

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