Thursday, March 1, 2012

NFC scandal only the tip of BN's iceberg

YOURSAY 'Shahrizat once grumbled that some of the poor people applying for welfare aid had Astro decoders in their homes.'

PKR: NFC bosses to open supermart in S'pore

your sayChangeagent: A lot had been said about the government's irresponsibility in dispensing the RM250 million soft loan without stipulating conditions, and the insatiable greed of Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's family in recent months.

But the banks, namely Maybank and UOB, should also be criticised for their major contributing roles to this whole NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) fiasco.

Why would they, against any judgement of good practice and assessment framework, continue to plow money into the business when the PM himself had already announced the freezing of NFC assets pending further investigations?

What if the government, in caving in to immense and unrelenting public pressure, be forced to withdraw support and funds for the NFC? Wouldn't that increase the banks' credit exposure due to loss of collateral?

I believe the banks now have an undeniable responsibility to their own shareholders and stakeholders to recall the loans they have extended to the NFC directors, and to also put a stop to this circus.

Sentinel: The backdoor minister Shahrizat once grumbled that some of the poor people applying for welfare aid had Astro decoders in their homes.

But the aid they got is minuscule when compared to the RM250 million government loan which she swears her family deserves. I am of the opinion that like Queen Boudicca, Shahrizat should to be whipped in public by a bodybuilder.

Kairos: This is really sickening. PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli and friends have done a great job unearthing all these irrefutable evidence of gross abuse of the loan funds used for personal benefit.

How come our efficient MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) investigation arm cannot come up with these discoveries?

Even if we excuse the inefficiency of our national anti-corruption agency, what are they doing with all these fresh evidence of breach of trust? Turn a blind eye and act stupid?

WeCANLive: The PAP (People's Action Party) government in Singapore severely punishes any Singaporean involved in corruption. And yet it allows corruption money from overseas to thrive in the city state.
Is Singapore corruption-free? I think not.

Transparency International has to revise its Corruption Perceptions Index to reflect not only corrupt practises within the country but any country allowing other nation states to launder their funds from ill-gotten gains.

Mumzi3: I passed by Meatworks in Solaris last night. I was surprised to see quite a crowd (mostly Malays and Chinese) in the restaurant.

Either they don't read Malaysiakini or were there for the ‘buy one, free one' deal. I will definitely not take my family there even if it's free.

Anonymous: The New Economic Policy (NEP) as translated by Umno top leaders: Get loan from government for family members and siphoning it into personal accounts and buy luxury items for themselves.

It is therefore imperative that all government ministers, MPs and councillors from both BN and the opposition to declare their assets upon their appointment.

This is to ensure that future taxpayers' money will not be lost and hence there is no need for ordinary Malaysians to pay for the mandatory 1Care insurance scheme.

Voteforchange: Is the Farmhouse supermarket going to sell 1Malaysia products to help the poor in Singapore?

HangTuah: Have they applied for Singapore permanent residents? It seems like they have stashed quite a bit in that little red dot on the world's map. Over to you, AG (attorney-general), for further action.

Vijay47: What! Only a miserable supermarket? One would have thought at least a De Beers branch. Ooops, that's the other lady!

Ksn: All these abuses of the RM250 million of public funds are beginning to sound like fiction. The MACC and the AG seem to be in no hurry to charge the directors as recommended by the police.

So too the Treasury - i.e the Ministry of Finance under the PM - which does not seem to bother to recall the loan in the face of such abuses. What is happening, people?

Anonymous_29dd: I have a suggestion. Why not we make a citizen arrest and drag Shahrizat's husband and kids to the MACC office at Plaza Masalam?

Once there, we then force MACC to interrogate them the whole night long until we get a confession from them.

And while waiting for the interrogation to conclude, we can all watch porn at the MACC office.

We visited the wrong shopping mall, admits PKR

Anonymous: Kudos to PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramly - he openly admited he made a mistake and apologised, even to NFC. That's what a man of honour does - when he makes a mistake, he acknowledges it and apologises for it.

Onyourtoes: It is just a technical mistake, not a false accusation. Fundamentally, the accusation is still valid - there is a supermarket operated by NFC which the directors and the company must explain.

Q..!: The reason I respect PKR leaders is that they actually own up to their mistake openly, unlike the Umno thugs who issued bare-faced denials and shifted the blame to others. Bravo Rafizi.

ForTheNation: A good guy would admit his mistake and say sorry. Liars and thieves will commit a crime then spin it as if it's the victim who is wrong. - Malaysiakini

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